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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Hey all!

Really enjoyed doing this episode on Nisqy from a few weeks back vs Eika's Yasuo. It's sometimes really unclear how someone is able to get themselves into a position where they can make a solo kill happen in pro play w/ the observers following all 3 lanes + junglers so I wanted to highlight this game which features some really incredible movement by Nisqy.

Watching the game back I was so impressed with how often he was able to sidestep / dodge Eika's Q's and as a result put himself in an HP advantage allowing him to properly setup the lane for a potential solo kill. One of the hallmarks of a great player is the little micro dodges they're able to consistently do with tiny unpredictable movements back and forth and this is really shown off here.

The episode would've been out a bit earlier but we felt this content wasn't time sensitive and our content team is absolutely swamped with all the stuff we've been putting out this year! I already have a few games targeted for the next episode & am hoping to cover a bot lane match-up for episode 3. For those asking about other regions episodes - LPL / LCK have no Pro View at the moment so I'm unable to access them but am working on figuring out a solution - as for LEC I'm hopefully going to get an episode out for them soon!

Enjoy the episode & let me know what you think!

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Originally posted by Lord_Drizzy

Awesome job man, always a big fan of your work and all your insight in videos, on the dive, and especially on broadcasts! Keep it up Azael!

Thank you both!

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotAzael - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Super underrated series so far imo, but really appreciate the in-depth analysis and all the work that goes into making it happen!

Thanks so much! If you think so helping to spread it on Twitter, reddit etc when it comes out is greatly appreciated.