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ranked graph from lol.ps



I ran into this account in Em3 soloq on NA a few hours ago. They have an absurd winrate and kda so I looked at their account more and was just so confused. They were masters/d1 during split 1 and 2 of last year but they placed silver or lower this season. This season, 60+ games played, 88% WR, avg 14/3 K/D over 40 games on most played champ. I just don't understand how this could be possible. All because they didn't play during split 3 last year????

edit: first match

of the season

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about 11 hours ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

The person is playing very disingenuously from what I can tell, tanking their mmr to 0, swapping servers then getting boosted. Obviously that's not a thing we're happy with and need to solve systemically