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Nearly a month after its release and I'm still trying to figure out why this skin even exists and took the a Legendary Slot in this year and for this skinline when it's the most forgettable skin ever.

It adds nothing to Ezreal's character and explores no interesting fantasy that Academia and Pulsefire haven't already done flawlessly.

It forces Ezreal's personality into this position of a caring and genuine creator slash protector, which completely butchers his character and makes him sound as if he's awkwardly reading off a script at all times.

His animations are nearly identical to Default Ezreal and the SFX look and sound like they added some sparkles to SSG and just called it a day.

This seriously has to be the worst Legendary Skin ever released after Project Pyke. It's an Epic Skin with added voicelines that just rip all life and personality off the character.

Only good thing about this abomination is its dance emote, and that's probably going to be the only memorable thing about it.

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about 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Stratos - Direct link

Hey there! Its your friendly sfx designer here! Before anything I want to preface myself and let you know that I appreciate your post and I’m not here to try and change your mind on the skin itself, but instead, hopefully give you a different perspective on the creative stuffs.

If there is one thing, however, I’d love to maybe poke with a stick a bit is things like the “calling it a day” line. Personally, Ezreal was tough and it was a fun challenge to try and find the right sound palette to match his gameplay and thematic. I know I wasn’t the only one on the team that shared this feeling with respect to their respective craft. It sucks when sometimes things don’t hit the mark for players but we try our damnest to learn from those moments to level up for the next thing cuz I’ll tell you we LOVE giving you guys hype stuff. I know firsthand the amount of care the team individually pours into their work (from concept to anim, to vfx, to production, QA, tech, even audio!) and every decision is made with the idea of delivering something awesome for you guys. If stuff ever feels like what you’re describing, I PROMISE we take a look at this feedback and try to adjust, when possible. (strongly suggest checking out the PBE subreddit when a skin is released btw, no.1 way to get us to address stuff!). Like I said earlier, I don’t want to try and convince you one way or the other on the skin itself, but maybe juuust a little on the behind the scenes side of things 👊

Oof, sorry for the wall of text 😅

EDIT: Your guys' support with Ez is AWESOME. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and my work is not exempt from that. OP's feedback is super important to me as a creator, as is all the support from everyone else! <333

about 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Stratos - Direct link

Originally posted by Querccias

Thanks for the response! Just felt that the skin was really underwhelming and that compared to all the other great Legendaries you people constantly pump out, it just feels like a 'cashgrab' in my words. I love both Academia and Pulsefire Ezreal thematic wise and Ezreal's original character in general, so Porcelain is just a huge miss for me.

Just wanted to randomly throw out my criticism out there since this skin felt really odd to me for a really long time now and heard no one talk about it. I have no shade to throw or ill intention against any part of the Riot Team right now, it's just the skin that bugs me.

All good! No ill intent taken! Keep giving us feedback, it’s how we can lower those “missed opportunities” feelings from happening. 🔉

about 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Stratos - Direct link

Originally posted by SpiritoftheSands

Man, when someone like you replies to a post like this it feels so nice as a player because it really does remind people that the people working at riot are infact people. Its impossible to please everyone but yall are likely doing your best to do just that.

As someone who has played for almost ten years, I want to thank all the skin designers for providing us with so many stellar skins over the years.

(also, KDA gragas when?)