Nearly a month after its release and I'm still trying to figure out why this skin even exists and took the a Legendary Slot in this year and for this skinline when it's the most forgettable skin ever.
It adds nothing to Ezreal's character and explores no interesting fantasy that Academia and Pulsefire haven't already done flawlessly.
It forces Ezreal's personality into this position of a caring and genuine creator slash protector, which completely butchers his character and makes him sound as if he's awkwardly reading off a script at all times.
His animations are nearly identical to Default Ezreal and the SFX look and sound like they added some sparkles to SSG and just called it a day.
This seriously has to be the worst Legendary Skin ever released after Project Pyke. It's an Epic Skin with added voicelines that just rip all life and personality off the character.
Only good thing about this abomination is its dance emote, and that's probably going to be the only memorable thing about it.
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