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  • Base health increased from 480 to 500
  • Q AP ratio increased from 35% to 45%
  • R cooldown starts after first cast instead of after all casts are over

The last two are actually pretty big IMO, specially considering her Q does true damage on return and her R now has a partial reset.

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about 3 years ago - /u/RiotWeeknd - Direct link

Originally posted by JustJohnItalia

That R change should be the default in all of lol, it sucks that aatrox Q cooldowns get reset at each cast unlike Riven whose cd starts on the first.

We intentionally changed it that way because Pro/Elite players were using the mechanic to zone enemies by just pressing Q2 at the last second and having very low downtime on his Q. This version of Aatrox has more counterplay in lane since he actually has a lengthy downtime between his Q's until he starts buying a lot of Haste/ranking up his Q.

about 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Acegickmo

Janna has a 57% wr with glacial rn, who tf is saying she’s gutted

As a heads up this is very very misleading data as Glacial Augment had a severe bug (that heavily increased winrate) that has since been micropatched.