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How much time has to pass until we realise that the vision changes in ARAM were a joke and accomplished nothing but make the matches against champions with traps absolutely unfun. I don't care what their winrates are, the fact of the matter is it isn't fun having to wait for a minion to give you vision so you can safely walk on the only lane in the map

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about 3 years ago - /u/Reinboom - Direct link

We're still interested in revisiting the vision game for ARAM. WR's iteration, utilizing Scryer's Bloom, is an example of that and was directly informed by PC League with an interest of pulling it back into PC League's ARAM. Unfortunately, there's no reasonable timeline I could give here.

Important to note, when the time comes that we do revisit it, it won't be returning to Oracle's. If that was an acceptable solution, we would have already reverted it. The decision isn't winrate based either (albeit, it's a notable factor: trap champions had around 7% "invested player of that champion" winrate delta between high and low MMR that's now at about a 1% delta).

In spite of threads like this the major factor is... sentiment. We do track frustration specific to champions and often specific to certain changes. And often, even, social media sites (such as here on Reddit, but also many many more) will trigger us to reinvestigate. Which has absolutely happened for the ARAM cannon vision in particular. Multiple times. Sometimes these investigations reveal a clear, "Oh, thank you Reddit" (/Inven /Discord servers /Twitter /Skooch videos /Baidu searches /etc.) that results in revealing an issue we need to act on... but sometimes - and especially in this case - gathering that sentiment from the broader player base (outside of the highly invested player base often centered on social media) will end up with opposing sentiment.

More directly, most ARAM players prefer the resulting game state of cannon visions over the prior Oracle's change to the best we can tell. That's not a "player's LIKE cannon vision", that's simply "cannon vision is an improvement over Oracle's". And this tracks with other data too (the vast majority of games where Oracle's would've been appropriate... it was never bought). Now, Teemo (and other trap champs) in ARAM are still super frustrating (both playing as and against - notably more so than SR) and at a point that is certainly non-ideal, which means we want to revisit this, but reverting is simply non-ideal on this particular change.