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In a couple of tweet thread RiotKatana was transparent and admitted that an ultimate skin that is at the level of Lux will never be made again.

“We would not be able to make a skin like Elementalist Lux again looking at what we know now. When you're building a game meant to last for as long as LoL has already (and hopefully a lot longer!) we have to be looking to future sustainability as much as we can.

While making one skin like Lux didn't break the game experience for players, making several definitely could. I know that answer doesn't always feel great but as we keep expanding skins and champions we need to keep things functioning as reliably for players as we can.

That doesn't mean we're looking to lower the quality, it just means we're trying to be intentional about how we build features and skins. I appreciate your thoughtful questions, I hope this makes sense”

Edit: “1. Many of our past ultimates have used enough memory that if we continued to create them, seeing multiples in one game could degrade or even crash the game experience for some players which is not a tradeoff we're willing to make.

  1. In order to stay within a reasonable memory size, we need to constrain features that each form will have to a reasonable degree (similar to GG:MF, who was even still higher memory than our current standard). We really want to break the expectation that the ONLY special feature an ultimate can bring is changing forms in game, because we actually get a lot more freedom to add way more to each form and the surrounding experience than we could have otherwise (when we get into PBE you'll be able to see a lot of what Seraphine has to offer and I hope this makes sense.

We're changing what ultimates mean because what we've made in the past is unsustainable. K/DA Seraphine is not the new be-all end-all for ultimates either. We're out to see what new things we can offer and which champion stories we can elevate by making skins at this tier.”

Edited for more clarity on the reason

This needs an official announcement imo, this is huge information and would clear up a lot about ultimate expectations from here on out.

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotKatana - Direct link

Originally posted by SadSecurity

GGMF feel into the ultimate category, she checked all the boxes yet you had mass flame some deserved and some not.

The problem is how those boxes were checked. Her animations resembled base skin way too much and different forms were basically chromas. Some people also criticized the theme, design and VO.

This thread has a lot of good thoughts, and wanted to chime in on this line of thinking a little bit. Since Elementalist Lux I agree that expectations around Ultimates understandably ballooned and we've been trying to find more sustainable ways (see the original posting for more context on that) to deliver the best possible fantasies on a champion. While not for everyone, we know Ultimates are really special and important to many players. I agree the initial reception to GGMF was rocky, because of those expectations and for a lot of the reasons you mentioned.

With Seraphine, we really wanted to deliver more features than MF could by separating her forms out and giving the team a lot more space to work in for each of them. This also felt like it could be a strong direction because we typically see players gravitate toward one form and not actually swap very much (of course that's not everyone and I totally get that swapping in game is a big value add too). As a result, Seraphine does have a lot more features but they're delivered in a way many players weren't expecting and I can understand disappointment there.

This is our first Quest skin, and our first crack at an Ultimate in quite a while. I really appreciate the thoughts and feedback we've heard so far and will continue to read as some of you see or experience her on PBE. Our 'ultimate goal' (had to) is to find spaces for the tier to exist in a sustainable and exciting way for players, and hearing different perspectives along the way will help us get there.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotKatana - Direct link

Originally posted by bloodwolftico

Thanks for clarifying! A bit of feedback:

  • As far as Quest Skins go, and this being the first, I actually don't mind unlocking contenting this way, if it was just a regular skin (or even Legendary). But the fact this was supposed to be Ultimate make me feel kinda weird as a player, as past Ultimate skins have been "purchase once, get everything" kind of a deal. I can deal w this though, its not a big deal for me, just feels a bit out of place for the skin tier.

  • Expectations on Ultimate: as I mentioned on another thread, to me an Ultimate means I can do something cool in game, either passively (see Ezreal transform) or actively (pick a song in DJ Sona, pick a transformation in Lux). This is in addition to all the new cool things a Legendary would have (new voice over, new textures, new colors, new theme, new sounds, new VFX, etc).

  • GGMF: I wasn't as upset as other people when this came out, but I was a bit disappointed cause besides having new textures, VFX and swapping forms, the voice over was done just once, and all 4 forms felt pretty much like 1 skin 4 chromas. The difference between Lux and MF skins, to me, was that I was expecting new voices for each form, as a way to get a similar theme but a different take past just colors. This didn't happen.

  • Seraphine's Release Skin: TBH I haven't seen it in game or know the details of what it has to offer (waiting on someone w PBE access to share). But yes, the skin split also feels weird to me, as a player, but I will give it time and see what comes w these new skins.

  • Future Releases: so now I understand the tech limitations on new overloaded assets like Elementalist Lux. It is understandable, if you guys can't release similar projects of this scope in the future, that's fine. I would like LoL to have more capabilities in this manner, so more elaborate Ultimate skins could be released, but I understand this limitation falls outside the hands of the skin-design team.

These are great notes, especially the expectations on Ultimates - I totally get that this doesn't deliver the same fantasy as in game swaps. I am hoping that once seen and played on PBE players will feel like we've packed in a lot of value by keeping the swap out of game but it's super valid and we're definitely keeping an eye on this feeling.

We're excited about the stories we can tell using quest skins and will learn a lot from the first release and from feedback like this.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotKatana - Direct link

Originally posted by Hephaestus20

/u/RiotKatana I rarely comment on these criticism threads and I am not one to shy away from spending money on League content, but I just want to voice a few specific points that are stopping me personally from buying this skin:

TL;DR: 1. Forcing the user to buy the bundle instead of a more flexibile pricing model 2. Marketing the skin as Ultimate, as opposed to just Quest 3. The base model does not look very good, so having the only other option being the Ultimate skin feels terrible from a player perspective 4. People already don't like her kit/the announcement, so some of the hate is probably spilling over

  1. Forcing the user to buy the entire bundle, as opposed to a pricing model similar to Star Guardian/Pajama Guardian or Cosmic/Dark Star Lux. I can justify spending $10-15 for one of these skins based on the splash arts I have seen so far, but $25 for 2 others that I probably won't use (as you said, people generally just stay with the form they like anyway)? That has to be a very exceptional skin, and right now I am not seeing how that translates in this concept where I can only change the skin in champ select. Especially after the release of some great work on skins like Spirit Blossom Thresh, Spirit Blossom Ahri, and Storm Dragon Lee Sin.

  2. Marketing it as an ultimate skin sets the user up for disappointment, especially since the bar is now Elementalist Lux for that tier of skin. While I completely respect why you cannot make that level of skin from a technical/game health perspective, it also should be recognized that Riot has set the bar high for Ultimate skins. I think if this was just branded as a Quest skin, instead of an Ultimate skin AND Quest skin, the backlash would be harsh still (grinding to unlock a skin I already paid for doesn't sit well with me personally), but less severe.

  3. I, like a lot of people here, dislike the base model of Sera (for me the colors are too bright on her outfit, wish it was more subtle/Piltover-style with her hair being the big color pop, more similar to her final form in KDA). As someone who plays supportive mids, I still want to play the champ and would be willing to pay $10 for the release skin if it corrected some of the color scheme problems I had (Especially if the color just changes on her abilities from the light blue-->pink in the skin line), but $25 is just too much for a champ I have never even played(see point 1).

  4. People are already mad at the kit of the champion for her "similarities" to Sona and the amount of hype/effort that went into marketing Sera for what is admittedly an underwhelming release announcement and pretty generic character (although I am in the camp that she will play much differently than Sona). I am pretty sure that if people were super hyped to play Sera and you announced this plan, the feedback would be less severe.

This is obviously just my opinion from what I have seen so far and I am totally willing to admit fault if the skins blow us away on the PBE. Just thought I would offer some constructive criticism since a lot of these threads can devolve into "RIOT BAD" without articulating why. I think this is more of a marketing/branding failure than anything else and I appreciate you engaging with the community on this!

I really appreciate how thoughtful this comment is, I'm definitely seeing some recurring themes you've captured really well here that we're thinking a lot about. The biggest thing that stands out to me in this list (and most of these threads) is the comparison to a bundle. Internally through development, it has felt like a lot more than a bundle to us but of course that doesn't matter nearly as much as how players actually feel about it.

We'll keep watching through PBE and see how everyone is feeling as more folks get to see and play as the champion and with the skin.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotKatana - Direct link

Originally posted by Not_Maple

im hoping that each skin is basically a legendary with new vo, vfx, and emotes for each one. it would be extremely disappointing if it were basically legendary with 2 chromas you can choose in champ select.

Hoping that more folks have gotten to see her features now that she's on PBE but since we've seen a lot of comparisons to bundles and variants I wanted to jump in and confirm some features. These are comparisons between forms and not base champion vs. skin for reference: Each form will have some overlapping VO and some unique, matching up with where Seraphine is at in her journey. They each have different VFX, dances, and other animations. They each have a separate animated splash (these are more different than a variant or prestige splash typically is). They each have new SFX, as well as a dynamic music system that reacts to how many allies you're nearby (each form uses a different track).