- FPX Tian: His ability to enable other players was unmatched, as well as his insane mechanics and decision making. Possibly the best jungler we've ever seen at Worlds.
- FPX Doinb: Mechanically good, but what was great about him was his incredible synergy with the team as well as his positioning in teamfights. Also always a solid rock in mid lane, rarely had mistakes.
- FPX Crisp: This guy clapped Mikyx, formerly known as the world's best support, like he was G2 (Gold 2). Also extremely consistent throughout and stood out among floods of disappointing supports this tournament.
- SKT Clid: SKT disappointed, but Clid didn't. He was the team's most consistent performer throughout the tournament and the main reason they topped group C.
- FPX Lwx: As a carry he benefited greatly from Tian's godlike plays, however it also took an extremely talented player to not even die once while killing people left and right during a f*cking Worlds finals. Also very consistent bar against JT.
- G2 Perkz: His Xayah was beautiful to watch, as well as his Yasuo and Kai'sa games (some of them). He was G2's hard carry and always showed up in crucial teamfights, and was the main reason G2 beat SKT. Ban out this man.
- G2 Jankos: Though he got trashcanned in the finals he was great in previous series especially against DWG. I don't like his style much but his decision making was quite something.
- SKT Khan: He really showed up, constantly. One of the main reasons SKT reached semis.
- IG Rookie: Rookie was almost a nonfactor at LPL summer split, but he really showed up big time this Worlds. No one predicted an IG semi finals, and he was the main reason behind it.
- RNG Uzi: If you've watched any of his games in groups you'll know why. However RNG's strat of focusing resources on the adc didn't work anymore.
HM: TheShy, Teddy, GimGoon, Caps, Tarzan, Showmaker, Nemesis
EDIT: I might have my jungle bias turned on for Jankos and I happened to watch him second or third most out of all junglers from this tourney.
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