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It's actually amazing to see Riot's staff replying to almost every topic in this subreddit. Meme stuffs, balance threads, future major changes, money related topics... you can be sure to read one or two comments from Riot's people. The frontpage is full of comments posted by Riot. They actually care about what we say, they don't ignore us when we share a bug, an issue with the current meta or a specific champion, or a enhancement idea. It feels so good to see a fix or a feature coming in the next patch for something posted here. There are so many recent examples: the enemy ward ping, the ardent nerf, the FPS issue, the runes refund, the replays, the skins tab coming soon, etc.

To compare, I've been playing to Hearthstone for 1 week now, and I've been reading the HS subreddit everyday for the last week. There is a ton of posts about balance issues (the druid class skyrocketed to 60% winrate since the last patch, everybody plays druid now, pro streamers are furious). There was a post on the frontpage about the ingame currency issues (the dust, it's like our blue essence). And there are a lot of fun youtube videos or amazing play videos. But in 1 week, I haven't seen a single Blizzard's comment. When you are used to the LoL subreddit, it feels so weird. Hearthstone has obviously some problems, their community is on fire and Blizzard keeps quiet like they absolutely don't f*cking care about their players. They don't have our memes there ("small indie company", "technology is not here yet") but it would actually be so appropriate on the HS subreddit lol.

So let's take 2 minutes to cheer them up and props Riot for their involvement on Reddit. It feels amazing to be invested in this game and this subreddit. Keep the good work going. :)

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over 7 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by MegaCharizardY72

Meme stuffs


Pls spare me

Sorry Cactopus is busy right now, so too bad you're stuck with me here's a meme

iS htIs hOw u mMme