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"MSI Patch 13.8!

The meta is looking pretty good overall. We're adding a few more champs into the Jungle meta and addressing some weak/strong outliers for Solo Q (ASol, J4, Garen, Janna).

Kha'Zix changes from W evolve to Q landed well, but he needs a little more power" - https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1645538107524255744

>>> Champion Buffs <<<












>>> Champion Nerfs <<<


Jarvan IV


Aurelion Sol

>>> System Adjustments <<<

Cosmic Drive - PBE Changes and Phroxon's Tweet

  • AP increased 90 >>> 100

  • New passive: Dealing damage generates a stack of 2.5% MS every 1.5 seconds for the next 5 seconds, up to 10% at 4 stacks. At max stacks, gain an additional 10% MS (20% total). (note, you only need two instances of damage to full stack the item as detailed in Phroxon's tweet)

External link →
almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Silverwing20

Who on the balance team is an Alistar otp, hes been buffed like 4 patches in a row now wtf

13.3 was meant to be a buff along with several other tanks. 13.4 was follow-up because it missed.

13.7 was realizing his win rate was still lowish and buffing for MSI. Then 13.8 is identifying that he still has room and with Rakan and Thresh being nerfed, we wanted to ensure there were enough aggressive champions to keep bot lane interesting and not just scaling+enchanter.

As the person most responsible for suggesting Alistar changes at most points here, I promise you I’m not much of an Alistar player.

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Ordinary-Ice-1362

The real problem is Phreak keeps doing useless things. The first buff was actually a nerf. Then he gave him absurd ap ratios as a “buff.” Then we get 15 base hp and a tiny bit of armor that barely changed his winrate.

I don’t understand why thresh gets to play urf and rakan got to be insanely busted for months but Alistar gets meme “buff” after “buff.”

I didn’t implement the 13.7 changes.

13.3 gave him lower mana costs and health ratios as well as AP ratios. I just got the expected bonus HP wrong. And we were conservative with the AP ratios, then realized we didn’t have to be. Adaptive Force stat shards are now a competitive option on him. Diversity seems nice, don’t you agree?

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Proxnite

Buffing lillia and making cosmic drive give MS……..I’m about to get run down by that laughing deer at 100 mph in soloq while she drain tanks everyone with that Jaksho build aren’t I?

Currently planning on shifting her healing out of base and into AP ratios. If she builds jaksho she should have less healing.

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by YunoGGYT

If you trade base values for AP ratio, reverse this (even partially):



Base health regeneration reduced from 7.5 to 2.5.

Health regen growth reduced from 0.75 to 0.55.

Otherwise Lillia top/mid players will have a horrible laning phase.

Yeah that’s pretty intentional. Top Lillia is roughly as strong as jungle already. No need to disproportionately buff top

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Uniquepotatoes

is there a problem with lillia building ”ap-bruiser”? I feel like those builds fit her better and are more fun to play

Not necessarily. However, most players build her with Liandry's. And overall, saying that AP is the move fast draining version while building tankier is ignoring those facets is reasonable IMO

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by V1pArzZ

Bump clearspeed aswell, she hardskews low elo and buffing ap scaling = buff lategame = buff more for low elo. Early clear is an early game buff that doesn’t shift tank/ap power.

Yeah that’s happening too.