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Young'uns might not remember, but back in 2015 C9 brought in Jensen (aka Incarnati0n) to play mid, and they sucked. I think they were all the way down in eighth. I remember watching the games and thinking, man this team has no life in them. Then they brought Hai back, role-swapped to jungle, and suddenly the team remembered how to play. They ran the gauntlet and made it all the way to worlds with two reverse sweeps and a 3-1 over liquid.

Both Faker and Hai got tons of "lol shotcaller mind controlling 4 people" jokes made, but it really is astounding the effect 1 player can have on a team, without ever showing up on the stat sheet.

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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by KablamoBoom

"I refuse to credit Hai with this play. There is no way he said 'Yo, Jensen, body these fools.' It just doesn't work that way."

That was Jatt and me right? Wasn't his initial line "body these guys, and we good" and then I paraphrased him as "body these fools"?

IDK I'm sure you've watched the clip and I'm wrong here.