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So I told my friends after like 3 years of playing league that my abilities are on the WASD keys and they said that’s super weird I’m wondering is it and please tell me on not the only one out there

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over 1 year ago - /u/HuntedFork - Direct link

Originally posted by thafer7

Yes it is weird. But it is not the weirdest. I have a friend that has summoner spells on Q and E and they use wasd to move camera and all champion spells are on buttons on their mouse

Edit: wanted to add in the one thing I consider a weird keybind. I use open shot as X

Wait this is kinda genius.

over 1 year ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Nah, I move camera with WASD and abilities on 1-2-3-4. It's habit at this point but I think it's a bit more optimal than moving camera with mouse because your mouse never really has downtime in League (aiming, movement, prepping positioning) whereas your keyboard hand has a ton of downtime if all you're using it for are abilities/items/etc.