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My friend says 21/9/0 is the way to go, because I get all the damage I can take and I get a bit of survivability that is apparently really good on Olaf, which is like, whatever.

But I feel like those 9 points on defense are a complete waste, I much rather run 21/0/9 and get the extra CDR and MS from the utility tree.

Our rune setups are also different.

AD Marks, AD Quints, Armor Yellows and MR/lvl blues, so maybe that has some influence, because he runs CDR Blues + a CDR Quint to get an early 10% CDR instead, kinda like what Riven players like to do, but on Olaf, which gives him more uptime in the early game, but less damage and resistances.

Item builds are pretty much the same though. Frozen Mallet into Sunfire into full tank. Kinda ridiculous that in the late game you can zone 3 or 4 people by yourself by just running at them and getting like 90 Armor and MR.

Champion is kinda ridiculous, especially with the permaslow on his Q and the ridiculous atk speed boost on his passive. His E dealing flat 340 true damage at max rank also allows him to destroy pretty much anything at any stage of the game with only a frozen mallet lmao.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

dear lord this is a nostalgia hit

almost 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Don't forget your special Razor, Intel, and Christmas quints.

3 ms quints and 1 crit red, 9 hp yellows, 4/5 mix of scaling and flat mr

almost 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by Growupchildrenn

Messing up not taking broken dodge yellows

I don't think I was playing when dodge yellows were available, but I definitely got my money's worth out of mpen reds and hp/lvl yellows

also I remember the flat MR abyssal scepter rush meta where you would just stack MR in your blues and maybe even quints and hope you won the scepter rush first item or you would lose