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This was taken from Yesterday's stream shortly after he was asked if the datamined jungle item changes were going through(they are not). It feels somewhat cathartic seeing someone higher up in Riot's balance team acknowledge the huge difference in impact between the roles. Also he went on to say that in earlier seasons the difference was even greater because jungle was way stronger and had way less players so getting autofilled basically meant you auto lost.

TLDR good to know its on their radar

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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by AtreusIsBack

They don't want junglers to play PvE. They want action because of esports.

Not exactly. It’s important that jungle ganks are a threat otherwise you get darius level 1 starting behind your minion line. (It’s more complex than that)

You want some degree of ambiguity: is the threat top side? Can I be ganked? Just not the level of actual power we have now.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Jandromon

If jungle isn't turbobusted, no one plays it.

Jungle and Supp are the 2 roles that have to be extra-busted for queues not to get too long.

Not really true. Jungle has had a fairly similar level of powerful for the last three years running and has steadily climbed in pick rate.