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League has a number of champs who feel like there's a weight to them, lumbering juggernauts who might be a little slower, but who have a ton of weight behind their attacks and abilities.

Illaoi, Mordekaiser, Nasus, or Darius would fit into this theme. Big bodies with big swings to match. You could even include someone like Taric in this group too, who has a time delay on both his most defining spells - his spells are a little slower, but his melee attacks hit like a truck.

All of the above champs deliver on the fantasy of the lumbering behemoth... they all feel like they have a much heavier footprint in the game. Personally I love these kinds of champs. I'm a support main who loves slow beefy champs, and if there was ever a world where Darius support was ever a viable thing, I would never stop playing him.

When you look at a champ like Rell, you can see that the "heavy" fantasy was kind of what Riot was going for, but the mechanics of her kit feel clunky.

She has the typical slow windup on her abilities and auto attacks, and that all makes sense. Her leap is hugely telegraphed, and is easily sidestepped / dodged / flashed. That's all fine.

The main thing that makes Rell feel so clunky is the crippling movement speed debuff whenever you aren't mounted. Her dismounted form is so bad because of how slow she's forced to walk - It feels like she's permanently in Singed's adhesive.

And then Rell's ultimate feels like it it was supposed to have some gravitational / magnetic vortex feel to it, but in application, enemies can just walk out of it. It can't even cancel an MF ultimate. The impact of Rell's R feels weaker than Cassiopeia's Miasma.

Rell doesn't feel like a beefy champ throwing their weight around - She feels like she's overly encumbered by having put too much armor on.

And honestly it really baffles me that when Riot wants to, they can make a champ kit that includes this severe of built-in drawbacks, while at the same time just crank out champs with solved kits like Akali, Azir, Pyke, Yasuo, Aphelios etc.

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about 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by xgenoriginal

A quick glance at her win rate is around 46% they might leave her as is for a while but I wouldn't expect any nerfs

For new champions we generally look at winrate by day because there's usually a lot of growth - that 46% average number for example would account for the 44% day zero Rell player who doesn't know what she does as well as the 48% day five Rell player who's started to get the hang of things.

about 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Indercarnive

IMO rell needs 3 things.

1) Base stat buffs. It's ridiculous she has 540 HP and 35 base Armor while a champ like Alistar has 600 HP and 47 Armor. Rell needs at least an extra 35 hp and 5 armor.

2) Attack speed while unmounted. This helps identify her unmounted form as a bruiser. She's slow, but will do damage if you don't kite her. Thematically it even makes sense as she "drops the reigns" of her mount to use her weapon with two hands.

3) Her ult needs to be better. There are a lot of ways to go about this, but it needs to do something. Make it stop dashes like poppy W, or have it apply a slow instead of this "magnetism" like old Diana E, but as it stands it's one the more depressing ults in the game.

Re: base stats some of the thinking there was that when fighting, she'll often start out with her ~120 health shield, +10% resists, and then attacking that Alistar takes away ~5 of his armor, gives it to you, where it's amped by the 10%, etc., which can (depending on items) leave you tankier than the Alistar if you manage to get the jump on him.

about 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by DragonEffected

Seems a bit too much work to do for a champion that's supposed to be an anti-tank.

Like I need to engage when Alistar has both his Q and W on CD (otherwise he just interrupts my W), proc my passive and only then will I POTENTIALLY be tankier than him, but I'll also be stuck with a movement speed debuff and I still will be unable to put out the same damage output Alistar can. And Alistar isn't exactly on the same level other tank support like Leona and Nautilus are right now.

That's just my take though. I appreciate all you guys' work.

Oh yeah, for what it's worth I think that Ali (and other champs that can reliably interrupt mounted W engage) have favorable lane matchups into Rell. This is just talking about tuning in that she's not as far behind other tank supports in total durability as it might seem if you only look at base stats considering the tools she has.

about 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Will caveat this with "I'm not a game designer", but to me this is a question of magnitudes. With base stats closer to the upper end of tank supports, she was really tankier than everyone else given her other tools. With base stats closer to the middle/lower end, she's still on the upper end of durability taking into account her other defenses (passive steal, W shield, W resist amp). If we said, "hey here are these tools that let you be really tanky" and then you used them and you weren't, that would be a failure imo but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

about 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Yeah I think that's a valid concern. How it feels might change over time too, we're only one week into the release of a brand new character, the winrate hasn't stopped climbing yet and optimal skill order/builds haven't quite settled. You can join us in monitoring her for now, from the points already raised above we know that base stat buffs are a pretty justifiable candidate if we need to buff her.

about 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by TheTacoAnnihilator

What you sacrificed a little of that tankiness for a little more movement and/or damage? I bet she might be a decent top laner or even jungler given just the right tuning.

Probably not, high durability is at the top of the list of things that should be true about Rell. If Rell becomes a somewhat niche top/jungle with our efforts to serve support Rell that's fine, but we don't have plans to intentionally support those roles right now.

about 4 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by InterestingWinter430

I have been playing league since season 4. This design seems like it takes a little from Leona/Taric. She feels extremely underwhelming. Currently she has the highest risk engage in the game without the reward. I'm under the impression that she was made slow when unmounted and given slow attacks to possibly keep her out of top lane. (Bruiser Build). Riot should not be trying to control the meta and where champions should be allowed to go. Currently if Rell engages and its a bad engage.. she has no way to escape with reduced movement speed. Leona can simply walk out and pop her shield for high resistance. Rell is basically a worse version of leona. No to mention Rell has ZERO damage. As a support player I was really looking forward to this champion but it's currently the weakest support.

Rell is a lot about picking the right moment to go in because like you said, once she commits she doesn't have a great way out, which is one of her intended weaknesses. I don't agree that the payout isn't big though for engaging, she has among the most reliable AOE wombos in the game using her ultimate (basically an Alistar that can pull people together for his knockup). So we're operating off of the same data, looking at lolalytics overall winrate for the past week or so she's around 50% winrate, which is great for a new champion.