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Hello everyone,

Happy 10 years of League! We are a group of Rioters that work with League data almost every day. Today, we want to share some data with you, about you!

Ever wonder what your historic winrate against Teemo is? What about when you have a Teemo on your team? Are you curious if your duo partner is really bringing you down? Who has a better solo queue KDA on Yasuo, Hide on Bush or Yassuo? Ask away!

The Rioters participating today will be Riot Apothis, Riot Aproxity, Riot Blorbie, dzareth, Riot Manaduck, Dim Sum Master, Faif, Riot Hpstp, RiotKaramjaRum, Riot Maddizzlee, Riot Mantikles, Riot Mortalitech, oni0n, Prench Pry, ShinsukeTakasugi, Riot South Korea, tuaaaa, Riot Veilfyre, Riot Verdian, and Riot Zaps.

A couple of quick caveats:

  • There are some things we won’t be able to answer (like spend data, personal info like emails/names, player behavior/toxicity).
  • There are some limits to how far back we can check your data, but anything within the last 5 years or so should be fine.
  • Please be aware that we might not be able to get to every question. We’ll try our best!

Shoot us your questions and we’ll start answering starting 12PM PST. Feel free to get creative. We’re excited to see what you come up with!

Edit: Make sure you post the summoner name and region so we can pull your data!

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by ToxicLuv

When was my very first game on Morgana?

(NA) NotTox


- Tuaaaa

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by SirJonjo

What's my all time Win ration on Gnar?Which champion do I lose mostly too in lane and in games in general?

Which skins have I used the most? List a few if possible

Also I have over 1000 games in ARAM what would my mmr/rank be for that?

Statistically whats my best champ and whats my worst champion?

EUW, SirJonjo

Your win rate on Gnar is roughly 50% on all queues, 53% on Summoners Rift (Ranked + Normals)

-Dim Sum Cart Lady

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by windsman

Hey there! I've been playing league for 5 or so years since I was still in high school with my buddies. When I first started I think I barely managed to get silver or gold but within a year I was plat and I have been hardstuck here ever since. I was wondering if there was a way to either tell me

How many times I have failed diamond promos

If i win more by myself or with my 2 duo que partners Choskey and Clockworktyrant

Who has been my historically my best champ of the last decade (or as far back as your data goes)

Thanks so much for being part of Riot and doing this event! Edit: I'm retarded and never posted my info lmao Yoshiryuken NA

Hey Windsman! Which region are you playing from?

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by jsandman46

Hi, JAR3D from NA here, how long have I been playing this wonderful game?

And if you can’t awnser that then tell me what are the odds of me going gold to masters before the season ends :((

Since September of 2015! :) And the odds of reaching masters? DEPENDS HOW MUCH YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, SUMMONER

-Dim Sum Cart Lady

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Seems like your worst win rate is against Cho'Gath.

over 5 years ago - /u/LeagueOfLegends - Direct link

Originally posted by molenzwiebel

Here's a few questions not related to a specific summoner:

  • What digits are the most common at the end of summoner names? See https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/7sewjx/heatmap_of_numbers_found_at_the_end_of_reddit/ for an example of what I mean. How about their winrates? Is there a year that is far better than others?
  • Talking about age, how about account age. Is the winrate better for older accounts?
  • How does the remake rate vary by champion? Is there a champion that causes far more remakes than normal?
  • What summoner icon is used most out of the default ones? What about the non-default ones? What is the least popular icon?
  • What champion has the most total mastery points across all players? Is it in the trillions yet? How about the champ with the highest average points?
  • How many players with exactly 69420 mastery on a champ?
  • Which champion uses Q most often in a game? Which champ W, E, R, etc?
  • How many pentakills happened at level 1? How many of those were by a support?
  • How many cookies have been fed to poros in total? Is there any champ that feeds them disproportionally much (or little)?
  • What is the total time spent in Zhonya stasis over the last year?
  • Coming back to the summoner names, which champion name appears most often in summoner names? Are there more xxRivenMain69xx's or more xxYasuoMain69xx's?

Be honest, do you stomp at trivia nights?

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotSouthKorea

One question for the general audience to take a guess: What is the champion who uses the "/mute all" function the most in-game?


over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by lhihly

NA - Zed ôr Bed

What champ have i lost to the most? Won against the most? And what champ i have the highest winrate on across all gametypes?

This query was EZ.  You have the most wins with EZreal and most losses with Lux.  Keep spamming Ryze as your winrate is the highest across all gametypes.  

-Prench Pry

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by Oniichanplsstop

A funny one would be:

What is Hashinshin's all time winrate vs Riven? IGN: (Hashinshin) and (Godzilla Top)

Alternative stats would be : What 5~ champs does Hashinshin do the best against? How about the 5 worst?

49.3% winrate against Riven - not bad after all!

Best against: Olaf, Nocturne, Gnar, Aatrox, Yuumi (best to 5th best)

Worst against: Annie, Sona, Skarner, Zoe, Talon (worst to 5th worst)

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by Ergheis

Ergheis, NA

I would like to know how many times I've beaten a Darius when I was leaning against them, or just my winrate against Darius in general.

I must have this settled

Hey friend! Your general winrate against Darius is 47%!

- Faif

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by Crazykyul

Grindr Princess in euw! I would like to know my win rate as janna vs lux or Morgana in the other team! :) thanks a lot


Versus Lux: 43% (counter matchup?)

Versus Morgana: 68% (woohoo!)

Also, it seems like you absolutely destroy Lucians, 90% winrate!

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by cornedbeefaroni

How many times have I killed Garen and how many times has that sword bro chad butthead killed me? I h8 Garen.

What's my total kills and deaths for all the terrible arams I've ever played?

Thx guys, you the best.

NA Alolaregion

Congratulations! You have 5502 lifetime kills in ARAM games! BUT... you've died 7006 times... .... .... ....

-Dim Sum Cart Lady

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAproxity - Direct link

Originally posted by squilla92

Dear team, thanks for having AMA here. Me and my gf play very often together and I would like to know, if we synergies well when playing together in game too :-) Thanks for your time and you guys rocks 😊

EUW - When it is done, Bluebirdtokyo

Hey! So, overall in 2019 (all game modes excluding TFT) we have:

Bluebirdtokyo without When it is done: 52.5% win rate

When it is done without Bluebirdtokyo: 50.9% win rate

Both together: 50.3% win rate

BUT! It looks like you two enjoy some ARAM. When you two play ARAM together you have a 54.5% win rate this year, which is just nuts!

Happy League10!

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by ArchJay

What are my win rates per skin on tristana?

NA, Blitzen

You have a great win rate with (almost) all of your Trist skins!
Buccaneer Tristana (60.9%)
Firefighter Tristana (59.1%)
Dragon Trainer Tristana (55.4%)
Little Demon Tristana (53.3%)
Riot Girl Tristana (51.4%)
Bewitching Tristana (50.0%)
Earnest Elf Tristana (46.7%)

- Riot STakasugi

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by applesteem

What's my historic winrate with Fizz and total games played with him? Also what was the first champion I played?

NA, Pleuto

Hi friend! You’re a master of the seas - you have a total of 650 wins and 420 losses on Fizz. Your win rate on said fishy is 60.74% :)

- Faif

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


You've played just shy over 200 games of Rengar across all game modes. (The data only dates back to 2015 unfortunately)


- Prench Pry

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by ProdigyAce01

Why am i hardstuck? NA, ProdigyAce

I heard there is a pretty direct correlation between being hardstuck and losing. I'd suggest not losing and winning more games!

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by ArchJay

Cool to know! Is there any chance y’all have the amount of games played with each one? Regardless, thank you!

Yep! This is what we have for you as far back as our data goes (# games, win rate %):
Buccaneer Tristana (23, 60.9%)
Firefighter Tristana (110, 59.1%)
Dragon Trainer Tristana (130, 55.4%)
Little Demon Tristana (15, 53.3%)
Riot Girl Tristana (35, 51.4%)
Bewitching Tristana (26, 50.0%)
Earnest Elf Tristana (15, 46.7%)

- Riot STakasugi

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by CaceDay

How many pentakills do I have (no bot games) and what was the longest game I've played?

Aipom, EUW

Hi CaceDay, looks like you’ve gotten 39 pentakills all time! Congratulations

- Faif

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by rmcoo

Hey! Not related to a league question, but I am thinking of studying data analysis for masters after my current degree, I was wondering how fun is it to work in Riot Games and how did you end up in a gaming company? (Not to everyone, but maybe someone has a fun/interesting answer)

Hey there! IMHO this is 100% the funnest job I have ever had analyzing data, and I've done a bunch of different data analysis jobs. At a lot of jobs in this field, you'll be doing lots of analysis and data processing every day, but rarely get to see how the data you're generating is getting used by folks at your company. We're pretty lucky because we're actually a part of the teams we support with data in most cases - so we know exactly what our designers, marketing folks etc. are trying to do, and get to design research projects and systems over the long term that help them get better at making decisions and mesauring the results of their actions.I've been working on trying to understand the same kinds of things about player psychology for the last four years - and when you're allowed to focus on a subject like that, sitting right next to people who are building features around them, you learn a ton!Plus it feels very rewarding to know that even if I can't actually code or draw or program anything, I can connect some dots between players like y'all and the folks who do. ^_^

- Riot Veilfyre

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAproxity - Direct link

Originally posted by anialater45

TheEndlessRiver NA

Ordered in list of preference if you have to limit amount you can look up.

What's my all-time winrate on Nasus?

What's my best champion statistically by winrate/kda?

What's my worst position?

What's my worst enemy matchup?

I get it if you can't answer all.

Your win rate on Nasus is a whopping 55%! NICE!

But actually, the champion that you have the highest winrate on (with over 100 games) is actually Dr. Mundo at 66%!

-Dim Sum Cart Lady

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAproxity - Direct link

Originally posted by rmcoo

Hey! Not related to a league question, but I am thinking of studying data analysis for masters after my current degree, I was wondering how fun is it to work in Riot Games and how did you end up in a gaming company? (Not to everyone, but maybe someone has a fun/interesting answer)

Hey rmcoo!

My path here wasn't super interesting, but it was definitely unexpected (for me anyway!)

I studied Physics in college, with a focus on computation. After I graduated, with the ever-looming student loan debt creeping up on me, a friend hooked me up with a job at a small market research firm here in LA. I basically got hired to be the office "Math Guy", but the job let me work on a lot of video gaming projects. I was able to work on everything from market analysis to audience segmentation for companies like Activision/Blizzard, EA, Sony, and even a few Riot studies. (I also had to do some work in TV, Film, and Digital Media, but that stuff isn't as cool to me)

After 4 years, I found myself particularly interested in player insights. It's amazing how difficult it can be for publishers/developers to connect with and understand their players with any degree of clarity, and being a life-long gamer myself I felt very motivated to work in that space. I happened across a Riot job posting for a researcher in their Insights group, and figured I'd throw out an application since it would basically be my dream job. Fast forward a few months and here I am, still buzzing with excitement!

Studying data science in college definitely opens up a lot of doors for you! But whether you went to school for game design or underwater basket weaving, it's possible to land a job in the industry if you build out a portfolio of gaming-related work. While working at my last job I wrote a few whitepapers highlighting how the work I was doing specifically applied to generating player insights, and posted some of them on my LinkedIn profile. They definitely helped my application stand out!

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAproxity - Direct link

Originally posted by OOmogar

Stephén Hawking from NA i have the same question :)

December of 2012! Thank you for sticking with us for so long! <3

-Dim Sum Cart Lady

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotAproxity - Direct link

Originally posted by cornedbeefaroni

How many times have I killed Garen and how many times has that sword bro chad butthead killed me? I h8 Garen.

What's my total kills and deaths for all the terrible arams I've ever played?

Thx guys, you the best.

NA Alolaregion

Well your winrate against Garen isn't great at 38%. But good news, we've got a solution for you! Autolock Twitch or Amumu when against an enemy Garen - your win rate is 65% against him with those two. Oh, and stay away from Ziggs....


-Dim Sum Cart Lady

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by molenzwiebel

Here's a few questions not related to a specific summoner:

  • What digits are the most common at the end of summoner names? See https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/7sewjx/heatmap_of_numbers_found_at_the_end_of_reddit/ for an example of what I mean. How about their winrates? Is there a year that is far better than others?
  • Talking about age, how about account age. Is the winrate better for older accounts?
  • How does the remake rate vary by champion? Is there a champion that causes far more remakes than normal?
  • What summoner icon is used most out of the default ones? What about the non-default ones? What is the least popular icon?
  • What champion has the most total mastery points across all players? Is it in the trillions yet? How about the champ with the highest average points?
  • How many players with exactly 69420 mastery on a champ?
  • Which champion uses Q most often in a game? Which champ W, E, R, etc?
  • How many pentakills happened at level 1? How many of those were by a support?
  • How many cookies have been fed to poros in total? Is there any champ that feeds them disproportionally much (or little)?
  • What is the total time spent in Zhonya stasis over the last year?
  • Coming back to the summoner names, which champion name appears most often in summoner names? Are there more xxRivenMain69xx's or more xxYasuoMain69xx's?

Ok so the Poro Snax question, I couldn't find a way to completely accurately answer this (especially not for all time), BUT, a couple of assumptions and calculations led me to about 152 Million Poro Snax fed to Poros every year.

Methodology-wise, I took a sample of ARAM games, got average number of snacks "used" (by looking at the trinket item slot and seeing the state of the trinket slot at the end of game), and extended that for roughly a year for all our regions excluding China.

There's a lot of assumptions I'm making here, largest one being that I had no easy to parse if you used 1 or 2 Snax (so I had to just assume a number there).

That all being said, that's a lot of Snax. I wonder what if they ever get tired of them...

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotSouthKorea - Direct link

Originally posted by GamerGypps

Surprised Karma isnt on there for ults tbh. Since she has it at level 1 technically.

Karma is probably up there, but if you think about how frequently Corki's R is up vs. Karma's, the fact that he doesn't have access to it until 6 is outweighed by how frequently it is up post-6.