Original Post — Direct link

"Gonna be on Threads as riotphroxzon and posting on both platforms!

A pretty big patch coming back from break!

The dogs are out this patch! (Naafiri)

We're nerfing the power of early ganks with (mainly) a nerf to red buff, but compensating a bit with treat gold."

"Making modernizations to some mages & nerfing some of our more potent jungle outliers (esp if their items are getting buffed; eg. Shojin).

Also, changes to item choice structures, buffing underutilized items and adjustments to others (Trinity worse on ranged, better on melee)"

"Shiv with Demat is still performing a bit too well on LB, so we're making some further changes there and it's also reducing game quality late-game on ADC's when waves get killed too fast. IE changes are buffs to its unique niche (crit damage) in exchange for AD (spiking power)" - https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1678546927443673092


>>> Champion Buffs <<<

Aatrox - PBE

  • [Q] The Darkin Blade adjustments:
    • Damage adjusted 10/30/50/70/90 (+60/65/70/75/80% AD) >>> 10/25/40/55/70 (+60/70/80/90/100% AD)
    • Minion damage increased 55% flat >>> 55-70% (based on level)


Lissandra - PBE

  • [P] Iceborn Subjugation Frozen Thralls no longer stop moving to detonate and grant vision

  • [Q] Ice Shard now slows all targets in a radius instead of just the first target hit

  • [R] Frozen Tomb minimum heal increased 90/140/190 (+25% AP) >>> 100/150/200 (+55% AP)

Shaco (AD)

Shyvana - PBE

  • [Q] Twin Bite changes:

    • AD ratio increased 20/35/50/65/80% >>> 20/40/60/80/100% AD
    • Now grants 40/45/50/55/60% bonus attack speed for the next 2 attacks
    • Cooldown increased 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 >>> 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
  • [E] Flame Breath on-hit damage now has a 1% target's max HP per 100 bAD ratio

Volibear - PBE

  • [W] Frenzied Maul heal missing HP ratio increased 8/10/12/14/16% >>> 8/11/14/17/20%

Xerath - PBE

  • Base mana reduced 459 >>> 400

  • [P] Mana Surge adjusted:

    • Cooldown increased 12 >>> 16 seconds
    • Cooldown reduced by 2 seconds per unit killed
  • [R] Rite of the Arcane adjustments:

    • Number of casts increased 3/4/5 >>> 3/5/7
    • Damage reduced 200/250/300 (+45% AP) >>> 200/240/280 (+40% AP)
    • Damage now increased by 20/25/30 (+5% AP) per champion hit for the rest of the duration

Zyra - PBE

  • [P] Garden of Thorns adjustments:

    • Plant monster damage ratio reduced 150% >>> 100%
    • Now deals 40-100 (based on level) bonus damage against monsters
    • Area of effect ability damage to plants reduced 4 >>> 3
  • [W] Rampant Growth number of seeds upon first rank increased 2 >>> 1

  • [E] Grasping Roots no longer locks out Flash when casting

  • [R] Stranglethorns now casts at maximum range instead of walking into range

>>> Champion Nerfs <<<










>>> Champion Adjustments <<<

Naafiri released


>>> System Buffs <<<

Axion Arc

Jungle Treats - PBE

  • Gold per treat increased 20 >>> 25

Prowler's Claw

Randuin's Omen

Spear of Shojin

Spirit Visage

Sterak's Gage

>>> System Adjustments <<<

Galeforce - PBE

  • Cloudburst nerfs:
    • Cooldown increased 90 >>> 120 seconds
    • Damage reduced 150-350 >>> 150-300 (based on levels 9-18)

>>> System Adjustments <<<

Crest of Insight (Blue Buff) - PBE

  • Ability Haste adjusted 10 flat >>> 5-20 (based on level 1/6/11/16)

Ghost - PBE

  • Duration increased 10 >>> 15 seconds
  • Takedowns no longer extend duration

Infinity Edge - PBE

  • Critical Strike Damage increased 35% >>> 45%
  • AD reduced 70 >>> 65

Crest of Cinders (Red Buff) - PBE

  • True damage reduced 10-78 >>> 10-75 (based on level)
  • Slow reduced 10-20% (based on levels 1-11) >>> 5-20% (based on levels 1-16 for melee) and 5-10% (based on levels 1-11 for ranged)

Statikk Shiv

Trinity Force - PBE

  • Threefold Strike adjustments:
    • Number of stcaks reduced 5 >>> 3
    • Base AD per stack increased 4% >>> 6%

External link →
10 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Liontreeble

Xerath getting 7 shots is certainly weird

Gonna go to 4/5/6

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by vaphyren

Reminder that IE changes are basically placebo with a marginal nerf at 2 items, roughly breakeven at 3, and marginally better at 4.

Your math is wrong. It's a strict buff at 3 and realistically a buff at 2 as well, unless you do nothing but land Q as Caitlyn

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by vaphyren

At 2 items it works out to on avg less than 1 damage per auto, in exchange for 5 AD.

The loss of 5 AD means that even if your spells have no AD ratio but you have Kraken Slayer, it's already a net loss because of just the AD ratio on Kraken Slayer. Factoring spells into it just makes the calculus even worse.

Even if you didn't go Kraken Slayer, taking Caitlyn as an example, you lose 24 damage from Q+R+W on a single target, so you'll need to auto ~24 times to break even at two items. I didn't even factor in headshot's reduced crit multiplier here.

edit: A few more examples: Draven loses out at 2 items and maybe 3 items because Q bonus AD doesn't crit so he loses damage per AA on average. Ashe loses out at 2 and maybe 3 items because Frost Shot, loses out even more if she goes Kraken. Jinx will go Kraken. Twitch is roughly even at 3 assuming no Kraken. Only Samira is in most situations a net gain even at 2 items.

Except you're totally discounting things like leveling up or the components of your third item. You math it all out with extreme detail except to say "at two items" and not mention any of the other particulars. You say "it's 1 damage" and then say "They have AD ratios." That's not how you do math.

Pegging it to example builds, you lose approximately 1% spell damage on high AD ratio champions like Caitlyn and gain more than 1% auto-attack DPS on them, which only grows as they acquire components.

Even if it's technically DPS down in some team fight instances on some champions the instant you finish IE, it's immediately positive 600 gold later when you buy a Cloak.

It's a buff.

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by vaphyren

You math it all out with extreme detail except to say "at two items" and not mention any of the other particulars

Because it's not particularly relevant what the two items are, and there's no need to math out every build. Unless you somehow have more than 250 total AD at two items, it's always less than 1 damage per auto increase. From there it's a simple matter of counting the number of autos you need to break even with the AD ratio on your spells and passives.

If there's a problem with this method please explain why, it's certainly more specific than simply asserting 1% spell damage 1% AA dps. I assume those are from some internal aggregated stats.

You do breakeven or come out slightly ahead in cases 600 gold later with a Cloak, yes. Overall it's a buff, I'm not denying that. But at 3 items the buff is still so small it's basically placebo, it's roughly the equivalent of like +3 AD at 3 items. That's why I said it only has marginal impact at 4 items with a 3-4% dps increase.

I mean yeah, it's not meant to be a ton of power. It's a very small buff that's primarily feels-driven to a class of champions whose primary output is auto-attack DPS -- a class that is not underpowered, and so does not need significant power.

I'm glad players are reading the changes as exciting and I'm glad the numbers suggest the buff is very small. Both are intended.

I do appreciate your continued discussion.