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Talon has been bugged ever since his rework back in 2016. Although the bugs then weren't major, they haven't been properly addressed to this point and have been adding up to an unacceptable amount. The bugs go as follows, in the order of their importance:

  1. Abilities visually apply a fake Blade's End (P) mark even if the ability is negated by a spell shield or Fiora's Parry. This has been occuring ever since Talon's rework in Patch V6.22.
  2. Melee Noxian Diplomacy goes on cooldown as soon as it starts casting, before even dealing damage. This is wrong behavior for a single-targeted spell with a cast time, because when it's used on a target that becomes unavailable (death/invisibility/untargetability/stasis/out of range or sight/etc) in the process, it stays on cooldown. No other ability works in this counterintuitive and inconventional way. This has been occuring ever since Patch V11.1, when the ability was recoded in order to stack Tear of the Goddess.
  3. Assassin's Path gets interrupted by displacements even when protected by a spell shield. This has been occuring ever since Talon's rework in Patch V6.22.
  4. Shadow Assault's blades disappear when the target they are converging on goes untargetable or vanishes. This has been occuring ever since Talon's rework in Patch V6.22.
  5. Ranged Noxian Diplomacy's cooldown is about 0.4 seconds longer than intended because its cooldown restarts from scratch when the ability deals damage. This has been occuring ever since Patch V11.1 when the ability was recoded in order to stack Tear of the Goddess.
  6. Ranged Noxian Diplomacy does not follow mobility consistently. It either follows properly, doesn't follow at all or doesn't follow for the entire dash. However, it ALWAYS fails if Talon loses sight of the target. This has been occuring ever since Talon's rework in Patch V6.22.
  7. Shadow Assault can be recasted via pressing Q even if Noxian Diplomacy is not available to use (for example when under hard CC). This has been occuring ever since Talon's rework in Patch V6.22.
  8. Shadow Assault cancels movement input when used during Rake's cast time and also cancels melee Noxian Diplomacy's basic attack input when used during its cast time. This has been occuring ever since Patch V8.9's input buffering changes.
  9. Assassin's Path sometimes puts walls close to the landing spot on cooldown. This has been occuring ever since Patch V8.10 when this ability had a bugfix.
  10. The cooldown per level tooltips of Noxian Diplomacy and Assassin's Path do not get updated by Ability Haste. Plus, Assassin's Path's cooldown is 2 seconds, not matching the cooldown displayed by the tooltip, which notes "No Cooldown". This has been occuring ever since Patch V10.18 when tooltips were overhauled.
  11. Shadow Assault's blades visually disperse in a smaller radius, then teleport to their intended position in their second animation. This has been occuring ever since Patch V9.2 when the ability was recorded to work with Sylas's Hijack.

The video below provides evidence, as well as reproduction steps of every bug listed above.


Thank you for reading/watching.

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about 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Koyuncu - Direct link

Thanks for the comprehensive list - I'll take a look at these

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Riot_Koyuncu

Thanks for the comprehensive list - I'll take a look at these

Koyuncu hero

about 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Riot_Koyuncu

Thanks for the comprehensive list - I'll take a look at these

I was literally about to send this to you

about 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by TH3RM4L33

Yoo this is what I was hoping for! Thanks a lot for looking into this.

Do you perhaps also do QoL changes? Talon has a pretty old, clunky, cheap kit that could use smoothening and I have a few suggestions.

EDIT: I'll put the suggestions here, in case you decide to take them into consideration;

Melee Noxian Diplomacy - You use this spell to jump to the enemy, but if you happen to be in melee range, you won't jump, instead you will stuck yourself in a 0.25s cast time which gives the enemy enough time to run away from you/your basic attack/your passive proc, which usually results in lost kills. What I suggest is to make this ability a lunge (like Darius' R), or make its cast time get lower with attack speed.

Ranged Noxian Diplomacy - I suggest to make this spell also reset Talon's basic attack timer, just like the melee version does. This is because often times you basic attack the enemy or a minion before using Q to jump on them and proc your passive, but because of your previous basic attack, Talon just stands in place doing nothing and misses the kill.

Assassin's Path and Ranged Noxian Diplomacy - After dashing with these abilities, Talon feels locked in place for 0.1-0.25 seconds. There's a noticeable difference when you compare it to other champions like Irelia for example, who can walk off right away after her dash ends.

Shadow Assault - This ability has a 0.8 delay before it can return so it slows down his combos, which is fine. But what is not fine is that even after the delay, the blades return so slow that they are often too late to apply the 3rd Blade's End stack before his basic attack goes off, which is needed to proc the passive. My suggestion is to make the blades fly faster, perhaps a fixed travel time or make them reach their target at the same time as Talon when he converges them on a target using basic attacks/Noxian Diplomacy.

Bugfixes we can make happen more realistically. There will not be any QoL changes coming out of this, sorry :(

about 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Koyuncu - Direct link

Originally posted by Ronizu

Thank you Mr Rioter, I just saw the patch notes.

No problem! These were long overdue anyway, and I can't take all the credit. Stashu (the designer for Talon's Rework) did a lot of the heavy lifting fixing bugs in time for 11.24.

I've got some similar QoL fixes for Pantheon Q that will be going out for 12.1

about 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Koyuncu - Direct link

Originally posted by TH3RM4L33

I wanna thank you and Stashu as well!

I have one question. In the patch notes it's noted: "his ultimate's blades would incorrectly converge on his target rather than his current location", but his ultimate isn't supposed to converge at all: not on him, not on anyone. The issue is that pressing Q while it's unusable ends (recasts) Shadow Assault.

PBE is not up yet and I can't check for myself. Is it just bad/confused wording in the patch notes? Or has the issue not been addressed properly?

It's just the phrasing in the patch notes - R will not recast in that scenario.