Damn I didn't notice that. Why the hell did they announce it so soon? They want two cycles on PBE I'm guessing?
Damn I didn't notice that. Why the hell did they announce it so soon? They want two cycles on PBE I'm guessing?
3 week PBE cycle, so still just one patch, but a longer than usual one.
I'm confused, they said they will drop a lot more information about the 2v2v2v2 gamemode on monday together with a few gameplay clips. Is this it? Or is it still coming? Because this shows basically nothing about the new mode
You can see some footage of it in the event teaser here:
And then it'll be on PBE tomorrow
The client wouldn't give progress towards the characters from playing. Eventually they just handed everyone the rewards since it was bugged. It wasn't the VN itself, but the reward system. It seemed more like a server side issue. Which could absolutely happen for this new one too, tbf
This was based on challenges we faced within the missions service powering the event.
When will the new mode hit PBE if you don't mind me asking?
Tomorrow, barring any unexpected issues. Probably early afternoon LA time at a guess
Is there wasd movement :pleading:
Same movement as on other maps
do you think those challenges are gone, or is this event designed to not be necessary on the missions service?
i understand if you don't want to answer!
The event still uses missions. All events do!
I would say it’s more that we improved the set of services that power missions and also learned a bit about how and when to deploy what amount to whom. The idea is that future events are more stable than previous.
But I’m not an engineer so if I go into too much detail I will say something very wrong.