Yasuo Yone buffs need context, is this compensation for last patch healing nerfs?
Not excited for Karthus buffs, dude already does way too much damage, getting global nuked for 80% hp mid/late is not fun.
Ryze needs adjustments not nerfs, the champ is still too pro bound.
Confused at Umbral Glaive buffs because its already ridiculously strong for the few champs who can use it. Maybe widening use case?
Moonstone nerfs are good, hopefully that takes a bite out of enchanters.
Galeforce nerfs are also confusing, is it really so strong that it needs a targetted nerf? My impression was that Gale and Kraken were pretty even.
Cant remember the last time I saw an abyssal mask, buffs will be good.
Also good to see Time Warp Tonic nerfs, that dumb rune defines pro midlane with corrupting pot.