Changes to Lethality items (except Umbral), Rocketbelt, Lethal Tempo have been removed from 12.11.
We're going to take some time to evaluate magnitude and direction of these changes post 12.11. Some notes on why we wanted to change assassin items and some other musings. Assassins should kill you when ~even if they land their abilities. # of abilities depends on kit counterplay & how ahead they are. Assassins need to have kill threat to fill a vital role in the game (sometimes even when they're behind). On 12.10 they sometimes build fighter items When lethality items have equal/less damage than fighter, assassins building fighter breaks their fantasy & strength/weakness profiles. In elite, ~25% of mythic purchases on core assassins are fighter items and ~20% legendary. Nerfing Gore/Cleaver/Stride post 12.11 hurts fighters more. Winrates for assassins are tricky. Technically, champions are balanced between ~49-53% WR (with lots of nuance for skill bracket, frustration, pro, etc.). This is a massive range. If a champion at 49% is buffed 3%, it's a massive buff, but they're still "balanced" afterwards. Which champions do you think are allowed to sit on the high (51-53) and low (49-51) sides of balanced? Interested in your thoughts.
I think assassins (besides Qiyana, Rengar in Elite) are meant to be up there sometimes. Anyway, some food for thought. Thanks for playing with us.
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