Original Post — Direct link

Edit 1-6: adding requested chroma sketches
Edit 3: added links to my social media since that was asked in the comments
Edit 4: taking a little break right now, will come back and pick 2-3 more before i head to bed!
Edit 6: done for today, going to sleep now. Thank you to everyone who made suggestions! Might come back for a round two soon if I will have time!

I've seen a lot of people say how they wish the Eternals came with some sort cosmetic and that got me thinking: it would be fun if we had Chromas based on the Eternals and their themes, so I decided to sketch one for each of the Eternals.

Here's what I got:
Empress - Kai'sa

Trickster - Mundo Akali
(a potential back tattoo included)
Warrior - Draven

Warden - Thresh

Guide - Janna
(prettier hair silhouette
Protector - Braum
(alt design

Requested by redditors:
u/Lolanius - Warrior Riven

u/Bro_miscuous - Trickster Ezreal

u/draakje- - Trickster Vayne

u/Corstarkk - Warden Volibear

u/T-280_SCV , u/Masthorbaiter and a friend of mine - Warrior Jhin

u/Black-_-Wing - Warrior Kalista

u/Lolanius asked for my social media links, if anybody else is interested, you can find me on instagram and twitter

If any of you wanna see me try and sketch a chroma design for a champion of your choice, leave them in the comments and I will do that for next several hours! (here you can find the list of champs with their assigned Eternals)

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

First and foremost, these are super cool! I love the Trickster Ezreal mock-up the most.

Secondly, I've seen the topic of rewards come up a bunch on different channels, and I'd like to add a little more color to the discussion here.

So, here goes:

When we wanted to add stat-trackers to League, we looked at what other games were doing in this space and how we could level it up. While flexing your stats was cool at a base level, we saw an opportunity to add a progression layer on top of it to give players who invested in the system something to chase and ultimately show-off when they got it, regardless of other personalization decisions they made on that champion. Basically, we didn't want to create a scenario where you would unlock something by engaging with Eternals and then have that reward come at the cost of something else you like (base chromas were something we talked about, but it means that to show off your unlock you have to choose between a skin you purchased and the base skin - not ideal).

Additionally, we wanted to make sure that the "set completion" reward was an added bonus to the experience, not the core reason you engaged with the product, because we wanted the baseline experience of hitting milestones and flexing your stats as they ticked up to be satisfying in and of itself. A lot of why this product exists in the first place is to provide a deeper experience beyond Mastery Score that will make you excited to showcase your accomplishments to the world, so we indexed heavily on making Eternals something that you can show off in a LOT of spots. After playtesting Eternals a ton internally and with players in Labs, we definitely got feedback that we were hitting those goals, but we wanted to go even further, hence the Mastery Emote Upgrade.

All that being said - I am still open to the idea of other rewards that *do not compete* with other personalization decisions in League for completing sets of Unique Eternals. I had a great design jam with a player over on the boards in this space, and while I won't guarantee anything for our new launch, the opportunity space is there. A champion / skin-agnostic reward type (emotes, ward skins for example) would be ideal.

Again, super cool mock-ups, and I love that you seem to dig the Eternals deities as much as we do. I still remember when our concept artist did a sketch of the Trickster and I lost my mind at how cool he looked. Happy to see the same reaction here (maybe there's something more we can do with them? I know that I'd love some kind of Trickster reward....).