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So i havent seen anything about it yet, but i think this is pretty significant. Moreso for never players.

I always assumed that it gave 20% base HP, because 20% max HP would be way too strong. Though base HP would be too strong, too.

I only found out when i played with a friend, when i said that i was going to buy d.shield to negate the poke since it gives 20% HP

And he was like: "Bist du dir da sicher? Bei mir steht 20 HP ohne Prozent"

And i was like: "Ne, bei mir steht auf jeden Fall 20% HP mit Prozent"

Friend: "Spielst du auf Deutsch?"

Me: "Ja?"

Friend: "Ja, vielleicht deswegen"

And thats how i found out after a year that d.shield doesnt give %HP back :(

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almost 7 years ago - /u/ItsAriya - Direct link

Hey! Thanks for bringing that up for attention. Now I have a reason I can state why I'm still in silver after so many years.

But yeah, that shouldn't happen. Usually numbers and stuff is pulled directly from a database, so we don't have to change it everytime we change numbers. All the buffs and nerfs every second week... It looks like in this case there is a stray %. Usually we would write it 20% in German, here it is shown as 20 %.

almost 7 years ago - /u/ItsAriya - Direct link

Originally posted by Naerlyn

I'll hijack that comment to tackle a similar problem, regarding hotfixes.

NA version of the 8.1 patch notes: Correct info, first hotfix on the 31st of May and second one on the 1st of June.

English EU version of the patch notes: First hotfix on the 1st of June (surely correct as well due to timezones), second hotfix on the... 1st of July??

French version of the patch notes: First hotfix on the 31st of May. And that's it. The French patch notes never mention another hotfix. So if you play browse with the site in French (which is the default if you're French), you have no way to know about that second hotfix which contains five huge champion/item changes.

Edit: Same issue with all other non-English EUW patch notes.

Hey Naerlyn, I'll pass that on. Unfortunately hotfixes are always a pain for localization, because they are often coming in "hot", and during a time when our localization team isn't working. However it should be usually updated the next day.

almost 7 years ago - /u/ItsAriya - Direct link

Originally posted by ehmayex

it even happens from time to time, that german patch notes and english ones differ from each other

Yeah, it shouldn't happen, but obviously they are getting submitted for localization a couple of days in advance, and sometimes a change is reverted or taken out at the last minute, but it isn't reported to the loc team. In such cases you sometimes have a previous version, but we try to keep track as good as we can to avoid it.