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For anyone unaware, new LT Stacks 6 Times and then once fully stacked grants On-Hit damage...or does it? Vsauce music

While testing Triforce On-Hit Ahri (don't judge) i noticed that LT's On-Hit wasn't being applied by Rageblade

I just passed it as a bug, but then noticed the Damage also doesn't Proc off Kayle's E, which usually applies all On-Hits, like Nashor's, Kraken ecc

So kinda curious about the ordeal if locked Yasuo and tried with his Q, lo and behold, Yasuo's Q procs the rune just fine, why?

Because Yasuo's Q applies On-Attack effects, Rageblade and a whole ton of "Pseudo-Auto Attack" abilities do not

This isn't a "bug", if anything it may be an oversight, because Lethal Tempo ONLY STACKS OFF ON-ATTACK ABILITIES AND AUTO ATTACKS.

So my suspicion is that they forgot to change/adjust the Proc to actually be an On-Hit effect, as basically any source of info about the Rune, states it's an On-Hit effect, including PHREAK.

This obviously sucks, as it makes the rune a gazillion times worse on a lot of On-Hit champs and especially Rageblade users! Like Kayle, On-Hit Varus, Kalista ecc

I'd love to get a comment from the Designers themselves here to know what's going on

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Originally posted by Nilah_Joy

Ehh since the items and changes are all very recent it’s completely possible it’s just a mistake on PBE. Especially since 2 Riot sources are saying it’s supposed to be on-hit

Edit: Beluga responded, it’s meant to be on attack.

no its meant to be an on-attack rune. the tooltip will clarify that shortly. we may re-assess this when tuning it later