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I was pretty pessimistic going off patch notes before playing.

That being said I think preseason has been super fun so far. The map effects and enclaves feel so refreshing in a really healthy way. Dragon changes feel great, and jungle meta has been flipped.

The lethality improvements don't feel overwhelming at all(sanguine blade probably needs another nerf).

I was really scared solo xp buffs and shared xp nerfs would cause bot lane to be perma roamed on by mid. Doesn't really feel that way.

Overall, preseason feels refreshing for once to me. Do you guys like it? Why or why not?

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over 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by DeWolx03

It's alright. Here's what I think from my experience so far...


-Dragons are important

-Botlane Alcove seems alright, though I prefer a little bit less of the bushes creeping into it as it looks off visually

-Item changes


-Terrain changes seem cheesy/corny. Like, "oh that's cute." Okay okay... I just wanted a river of Lava when the infernal dragon takes the map.

-I think the dragons are overloaded. We get passive buffs and then a special ability unique to the dragon that takes over the map. Kinda too much if you ask me, especially if you add the elder dragon(even though it's rare and I've only seen it twice so far).

-Rift Herald changes seem off. This was a good opportunity to bring Vile Maw into Summoner's Rift as well.

-Toplane Alcove. Do we really need one up there? It irks me that the map is trying to mirror itself by design with such an iffy addition. It's like they just copy+pasted it up there to say they didn't forget about top.

-Item balancing.

I'm enjoying the preseason so far despite the issues, however, just think about it for a second... a river of lava!

Please don't use the word lazy. The development team at Riot are anything but lazy.

Totally respect your post content otherwise!