New League class tying into the recent lore, Demon Hunter Slayer.
New League class tying into the recent lore, Demon
Illidan wants to know your location.
Too bad it's not vampires, could use some cool Legacy of Kain skins
As someone who exclusively roleplayed on message boards as a broody teenage vampire boy during my teen years... Ye.
But isn't Illidan Yasuo?
Don't you dare equate that sweet, handsome, misunderstood boy with the embodiment of pure 2edgy4u-ness. Illidan doesn't deserve such debasement.
are we getting a lillia champion spotlight?
I believe so, yes!
TL;DR: Riot went full weeb
As a DH and a Yasuo main I am conflicted...
As a Disc Priest and Support main, I'm not. :D