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Counter Logic Gaming 0-1 TSM

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Winner: TSM in 28m

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
CLG renekton sylas viego jayce leona 44.6k 3 2 None
TSM lee sin irelia twisted fate leblanc ryze 56.1k 11 11 I1 H2 M3 H4 C5 B6 C7
CLG 3-11-10 vs 11-3-33 TSM
Finn gangplank 3 0-3-3 TOP 0-2-9 4 tahmkench Huni
Broxah xin zhao 1 0-2-2 JNG 5-0-4 1 olaf Spica
Damonte lulu 3 0-1-2 MID 6-0-3 2 orianna PowerOfEvil
WildTurtle aphelios 2 2-2-1 BOT 0-1-8 1 kalista Lost
Smoothie thresh 2 1-3-2 SUP 0-0-9 3 rakan SwordArt

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

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over 2 years ago - /u/VegeterianOsu - Direct link

Originally posted by ChaoticMidget

Pretty straightforward. Huni adding TK to his champion pool is a fun variant. I also like this comp as a way to empower Spica's Olaf. One more wrinkle to the playbook for TSM.

Who do you think is getting split MVP?