Hey! It's the same icon that was available last year, so you may already have it! Check in your current icons if you don't see it in the store! Happy rainbowing! ๐ณ๏ธโ๐๐ณ๏ธโ๐
Hey! It's the same icon that was available last year, so you may already have it! Check in your current icons if you don't see it in the store! Happy rainbowing! ๐ณ๏ธโ๐๐ณ๏ธโ๐
It's out! Equip the icon and it'll update! :D
Hey, I hope I can ease some misconceptions around this. We do not have a marketing team. There's no one who sits around saying, "You know how we can bamboozle people out of their money?" I know, a random-ass person saying that on the internet doesn't really mean much, but I promise I'm not lying.
Nearly every single small thing like this is the result of one or a small group of Rioters. In the case of the Rainbow Fluft Icon, you can thank a rather large group. They're a group of people from a variety of different backgrounds and job titles who meet regularly to discuss how we can better make League, Riot, and games more LGBTQIA+ inclusive. We have groups like this for a variety of things.
I had the pleasure of working with these fantastic folks a few times, and am so honored to call them my friends. And I supported this campaign for 2019 (I wasn't at Riot for the 2018 campaign). I can tell you that they worked SO HARD on top of their normal jobs to get this out because they genuinely care about making a difference. And, yes, an icon in League might not seem like much to most people, but if it helps one person realize that they're loved and supported then we've done so much.
ETA: Thanks for Silver, stranger. But instead of giving it to me, please consider donating to a nonprofit that supports a cause you care about. <3
I love you.
We love you, too. <3
What's it for though?
It's not on League Displays.
Ah! I'll ping that team and see what we can do!
Editing so this can be seen: It will be added to League Displays!
Cant be on today but still wish to support is there an option for me? Im in NA my ign is brucรฉ
Don't worry! You can get it for the next few weeks! :D Thanks for your support!
Hi! I gave the second silver, meant to leave the message and not be anon... but it's 4am and I'm tired and messes up. Don't worry though, didn't use money for this. Had some reddit coins from being gifted gold.
I just wanted to say thank you for supporting this and please give my thanks to everyone who made it possible. <3
Thank you so much for your support! We really do care, and I want people to know that those behind these projects aren't some faceless PR people. It's just really passionate people who want to try to make a difference any way they can.
It's not on League Displays.
Hey hello, it's me again! It's going to be added to League Displays. :)
Is it permanent? My username is literally Homosexual and I feel this really makes my day.
The icon is forever, but like my wit, the background and homeguard animation are fleeting.
Currently the background and homeguard will be in place through 9.10. But we're discussing other options for the future.
it's so uwu
but like
where's the 4k
Ahhh! Let me ask if we have it in that resolution. We may not because it wasn't intended for that originally. I'll see what I can do!
it's so uwu
but like
where's the 4k
Hey! 4k should be up now. Let me know!
it still says it's 720p when i click the download button
D: D: D: I shall investigate and report back. I probably won't hear until Monday because it's late on Friday. But I promise!
I can wait :3
anything to have the cutest background in all of league
It's pretty much the greatest thing ever. <3
Thanks so much for your patience!
The IDAHOTB team is run by Riot LoveStrut who is a QA Lead, so we're still figuring out how to do art lol