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Masterwork items crafted by Ornn give around 800-1200 gold worth of extra stats, but Infinity Edge’s upgrade gives a measly 15 AD which is worth 525 gold. This is taken from the fandom wiki https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ornn/LoL

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9 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by TheScyphozoa

This will 100% happen again the next time an item is reworked and has a stat removed or added.

The person you are responding to is right. We are moving to a new system that is designed to make these kinds of mistakes impossible. Right now its all manual, the new system will be automatic.

9 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by TheScyphozoa

I understand that it will handle things like Infinity Edge 65AD / Edge of Finality 95AD -> Infinity Edge 80AD / Edge of Finality left behind at 95AD. But how can it possibly handle changes where an item gains a stat it has never had before?

A bit unsure what you mean but basically the way this automation works is that we have set a gold amount for I think 7 stats that are mainstream, think AD, AP, HP, etc. So lets say that 1 gold = 10 HP or something. We make it so that for each mainstream stat you have, we split 1k gold worth of stats equally. If you only have 1 of the stats then you have 1k gold worth of that stat, if you have 2 they both have 500 gold worth etc. If you have none of those main stats (not currently possible but in case it were to become possible) then Ornn upgrading the item would add 1k gold worth of HP to the item.

If we change an items stats (whether thats balancing which shouldnt impact it or adding/removing stats) the upgrade system should just automatically detect and adjust to accommodate.

9 months ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by TheScyphozoa

I see. So if the designers decide to re-add Ability Haste to Zhonya's Hourglass, Ornn's passive would automatically give less AP and Armor to make room for 333g worth of Ability Haste? Does that mean Ornn upgrades are going to end up with ugly numbers that aren't multiples of 5?

Yeah to your first point thats right. Pretty sure the numbers arent pretty yeah but they aren't like decimals. Im pretty sure you'll get numbers like 13 or 28 but not like 4.56.

If I remember right the system rounds down so you'll get like 988 gold worth of stats instead of 1014 gold if the math isnt perfect which it probably isnt for most items, but its the best we can do without doing super gross decimals and whatnot.