I'm hesitant to get involved in this conversation, but whatever.
Did you permaban "Tryndamere"? cause I just op.gg'd it and it was played on two months ago, unless someone else got that name in S6.
I think it's great that you apologized, and I think it's great you paid a fine; I hope it wasn't just a tax write-off, but again it's whatever.
All this stuff has already been discussed at great length years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/533ak3/competitive_ruling_marc_tryndamere_merrill_s2_elo/
My problem with this whole debacle is just as stories evolve, grow (and in this case get stinkier and more negative) so has the boosting/account sharing scene. It used to be, from my limited understanding, stuff done in the wild west days of League by pros eking out a living helping out poor Riot Founders who just needed that rank and didn't want to git gud or eh... arbitrarily set their own ELO (which is a whole 'nother issue). Now there are innumerable businesses operating in broad daylight, flaunting their services (https://youtu.be/7\_LbtCzckA0u/donghuap).
And my question is this: How many individual data points (accounts that don't accurately reflect the user's skill) does it take before the whole system is inaccurate? 1 account? Probably not. 1000? Hopefully not. 10+ years of increasing businesses flooding the ladder?
I heard somewhere that League was intended to be a sport, I played baseball, football, basketball, etc growing up and I don't remember pro players showing up to flex on kids. I don't remember seeing people buy their way to playing in pro level matches either. So what gives?