Don't worry about not being seen, I added a link to your comment in the first post, so anyone that reads it will see it. I don't know/remember what was written in the post that you responded to (not this one, the previous one that was deleted), but I think perhaps you can try to see that person's point of view: the community had been told that healing was going to be reduced, but when this didn't happen, Riot didn't mention the change of plans. There have been many posts about the issue of excessive healing (I'll get to that soon) with no response from Riot, so it really feels like you wouldn't have said anything if that person had not been very harsh with their words. You can say that my post runs in a similar vein, but would you have tried to clarify anything or even responded if I had not worded it the way I did? I don't think you guys are setting out to ruin League, but you must understand that there is a huge power imbalance between player and dev team, multiple threads about this issue received no response.
Now, on to the issue of healing itself, I think you'll notice that most people are not talking about healing that comes from the likes of Soraka or Mundo, in fact, it seems that champions that have this type of healing in their kit are being completely ruined by Grievous Wounds, which means that its not healing as an effect that is an issue.
The main problem with healing is when it comes from an infinite source, like omnivamp and lifesteal. Champions like Yone and Yasuo, who have no healing in their kit are healing massive ammounts, sometimes healing through multiple enemy champion's damage and that is when they are still being affected by Grievous Wounds. Champions with high DPS that can stack a lot of omnivamp and/or lifesteal, are essentially becoming unkillable, while dealing massive damage and having high mobility. Buffing Grievous Wounds isn't the answer, because it will have the side effect of ruining champions like Soraka and Dr. Mundo.
I have dealt multiple times with situations in which a champion like Yone loses the laning phase, sometimes really hard, but comes back easily to the game, because he farmed enough to get his two lifesteal+crit items and/or got his assists to stack Ravenous Hunter. This basically invalidades champions that rely on poke as well as champions with limited burst, because if they don't kill someone like Yone immediatly, he will just heal it all back, even if its just from a minion wave, because he can lifesteal from any non-structure. Champions like Soraka at least have cooldowns and have to sacrifice mana (and health) to heal, while Yone has an infinite ammount because of his DPS.
And again, I need to specify that those omnivamp/lifesteal abusers are doing this while affected by Grievous Wounds, which means that the effect itself is doing little to contain them. I must also add that embracing healing and making Grievous Wounds a mandatory stat seems to go against the idea of variety in builds, because that means you'll always be forced to go for that one anti-heal item regardless of which build you intend to use.
Don't take my criticism personally, I don't think you guys are destroying the game like a lot of people say, but I do think there is a massive mistake in allowing healing to work as it is, and it angers me because it is affecting my games. Considering how easy said healing is to access and how its only would-be-counter cannot truly do so, it means that I lose any advantage I had over champions like Yone or Yasuo after winning against them, just because they sat back and farmed to get a massive power spike in two items. And I'm not the first one to say this, you'll see comments about the likes of Yone, Aatrox and Rhaast in all threads complaining about healing.