It will be weird having yasuo at 1350 but kayle at 4800.
I wonder also how capsules will be effected, since the drops are determined by price.
New players may not be all that effective on Yasuo, they do seem to have a fun time and want to keep playing though even if they're struggling. Kayle however tends to be a lot more off putting
did they really say that yasuo, lucian are less difficult than yorick?
It's a mixture of difficulty to be successful on and difficulty to have fun with. Or to put it another way, new players on Yasuo and Lucian are more likely to have fun even when they're failing than is the case with many other champions, assumedly due to things like those characters having broadly appealing fantasies and appearances, buttons that feel good to press etc etc
Riot clearly underestimates the satisfaction of the shovel BONK.
For those who truly understand the shovel BONK I can think of fewer greater satisfactions. That's a more exclusive group of players though :)
So Singed isn't "so easy you just run" after all?
I mean, he's not all that mechanically complex, but he's got a lot of nuances and judgement calls. Combine that with a really different playstyle to most champs and he's not a great new player experience
Thats the Answer. Shes just too complex for newer players to understand and therefore shes one of the least fun Champions
Pretty much. Her theme's also one a fair number of new players gravitate towards trying out, which exacerbates the problem further, hence the cost increase there so that players are more likely to try her later when they've got a bit more experience under their belts
Props to the rioter who came up with Jhin at 4444
No prizes for guessing who argued for that (I'll give you a hint, he posts about Jhin and Jinx any chances he gets)
Smurf accounts about to go OFF
I mean, yeah, that is a genuine downside here unfortunately. We don't want to avoid significant improvements to the new player experience just because it can make smurfing easier too, it will add even more pressure on us to detect smurfs quicker and get them out of games against actual new players though
What about vel'koz being 3141 blue essence?
Meddler wanted it but one pricing meme was enough ;)
TIL there's a guy called BarackProbama working at Rito.. that's a fantastic name
Thanks friend, I’ve had the handle since DOTA on frozen throne :)
No prizes for guessing who argued for that (I'll give you a hint, he posts about Jhin and Jinx any chances he gets)
Really excited to see Jhin into the pricing tier he deserves.
Now why can't Jinx cost 3 rp?
Really excited to see this come out. I'll finally have enough blue essence to play the champions I worked on in live games!
Thanks friend, I’ve had the handle since DOTA on frozen throne :)
Wow you're old
Meddler wanted it but one pricing meme was enough ;)
Pick rate nerfed, maybe. Win rate buffed?
A bit about skill floor and skill ceiling.
Lucian's maximum potential is completely ridiculous, but you don't need to do any of that to see some basic success with him, especially if you are playing with an engage support instead of an enchanter.
All you really need to know is: Engage happened? -> (W+)E forward, AA, Q, AA, continue to walk forward and autoattack. That is enough for not just Iron and Bronze, but also the median player.
And teamfights or more generally post-laning phase isn't that much harder - sure you have a shorter range than a lot of ADCs, but you get a lot of additional mobility and the ability to deal damage while moving (Culling), so you will be fine if you just play him as you would any other ADC. Of course you aren't going to get the Galeforce forward into Culling chunks that Lucian is supposed to do at high level play, but you don't need that.
Now compare that with Yorick: Sure, you can just waddle up to people and bonk them with your shovel, Summon Maiden in teamfights and throw Es and Ws for random CC, aka pretend you are playing any other bruiser, but Yorick is absolutely awful at that. You really need to play him differently (aka splitpush) to get anything out of his kit.
Also there is the little bit about fan favorites being a part of the decision and I feel like that is a big part of it for Yasuo - popular highlight character and Riot wants to allow people to at least try him, while Yorick isn't super popular and most people that want to buy him are probably more sure they will click with him, so it "hurts" less for him to be more expensive.
A lot of it is - if I pick Lucian for the first time, I'm gonna fall flat on my face. But I'm gonna do a lot of cool stuff where it's obvious why I failed, what I need to practice to do better, and why it will be awesome once I do learn to do it.
If I'm a new player, the important thing is whether I'm excited to play the next game. Doing well in my current game can definitely help with that, but it's far from the only factor.
Meddler wanted it but one pricing meme was enough ;)
We need to talk...
So it’s all part of Riot’s plan to justify future Ryze’s nerfs
Oh sh*t they're onto us
/u/RiotAxes Boss ASU’s are great, but my biggest fear with them is the possibility of reducing skill expression. Now after hearing Lee is getting one, this raises my worry. Caitlyn for example had some bugs that were “fixed”. But that resulted in mechanics to be removed, mechanics that overtime became innate to the champion even though they originated from bugs.
Please tell me this won’t happen with Lee who is an EXTREMELY skill expressive champion
We are aiming not to have a situation like that happen again. Additionally, there is no general goal to reduce skill expression, and I 100% agree that it's core to what makes Lee Sin who he is.
Yuumi in the lowest and most accessible tier is going to create an entire new generation of new League players who don't have a grasp of basic concepts of the game such as positioning, kiting, spatial awareness, map movement and so on.
Mark my words.
A brand new player isn't trying to learn the nuances of how to position in lane or kite - they're trying to find the fun. It's definitely true that Yuumi isn't going to teach all the skills you need to learn to be a good League of Legends player, but playing Yuumi with a friend turns out to be an effective way at figuring out why you want to bother learning those skills in the first place.
so is yuumi a newbie champ or does she have the same skill floor as akali? which is it?
She had the skill curve of an Akali and that made many players deeply unhappy, so we're working to change it.
Did you have a main in OG DOTA? Mine was Pit Lord
Riki/Clinkz if I recall correctly were my faves
You’re not the boss of me! (You’re my boss’ boss’ boss’ boss)
Hey Axes I know this is OT, but are you able to share if the team is going to spin up another CGU soon or do you guys have to evaluate ASol more
Can't talk about anything like that right now. ASol is looking good though.
The way I interpreted it, right or wrong, was that all champs would flow automatically eventually to the 4800 and settle. To go into other tiers would be an explicit decision based on the champ and qualitative measurements to improve general player retention.
Oh shit they're onto us
Any update on being able to mass disenchant?
It’s on our list of potential projects, and is currently in design discovery.
Pudge, Mortred (invisi pub stomps), and Mirana were my faves