I know you guys tried your best with the "buffs" (revert), but the pass is still on a state inferior to the old passes
Long ago, they introduced weekly missions so the pass became less grindy. These missions gave 250 points per week and the final week usually gave about 350 points. Along with these missions, SR got nerfed from W12/L6 and ARAM & such from 8W/4L
All this said...
-Why not release the pass tomorrow instead of jan 26? kinda lame to intentionally remove some days
-Why no statement about week 4's mission nerf on the previous patch or the intention to buff it back? (yes, our current pass although reverted STILL is worse than all of the older passes)
-Why not be nice and revert the old nerf to W12/L6 on SR and aram & such to W8/L4?
Its only fair you guys do something nice for us after the debonair cashgrab
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