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over 2 years ago - /u/RiotSmileyjoe - Direct link

Originally posted by toxicity18241

I'd be careful with this, riot will send you a nasty email and tell you to destroy it. Might take this off reddit.

Looks cool though! 😎

This is incredibly dope and seems totally okay based on the legal guidelines (https://www.riotgames.com/en/legal). As long as OP doesn’t try to sell it or pass it off as official then they should be good to go.

I’m just jealous I don’t have the skills to make anything like this. My dream is a pinball machine in my house and one of my goals at the Riot office is to have the high score on all of our pinball machines there.

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotSmileyjoe - Direct link

Originally posted by striker879

Legit you need to tell you co workers to get on making these. 10/10 would purchase.

It’s probably good they don’t let me make decisions like that. I’d somehow bankrupt the company in a week. But I guess on the plus side we’d get some real cool merch in that glorious week. 🤔

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotSmileyjoe - Direct link

Originally posted by toxicity18241

Pinball machines are okay, but neon light tubes of Kai sa aren't?

I mean I'm happy for this person, but I don't understand why a friend of mine had your company make him destroy art work he made for his girlfriend as a birthday present

Not anything I’ve heard about—sorry. I’m not a lawyer so I couldn’t say but it’s not anything my team (comms) ever got brought into.

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotSmileyjoe - Direct link

Originally posted by theoctonaut

Get Lilnasx to sign off on the pinball machines (if he was the real president lol). Thanks so much for commenting. I’ve made sure to reach out to riot a couple times to ensure and also have acknowledged in my dmd screen that riot owns all copyrights to videos and characters.

We used up all our LNX wishes getting him to move the song up a day. Sorry!

over 2 years ago - /u/RiotSmileyjoe - Direct link

Originally posted by AnimusAbstrusum

by that logic chronoshift also should have been ok as it was neither being sold or passed off as official

Would break #3 here https://www.riotgames.com/en/legal for “No unauthorized games or apps” (and maybe 4 too depending on how you think about it)