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If you ever thought jungle diversity was bad, if these current PBE jungle changes go through any jungler that has less than average clear speed or not the healthiest clear will be absolutely stomped by strong dominant junglers like Hecarim/Leesin/Fiddles.

Even Lillia can't survive the current PBE jungle changes. Pick her and watch as you can barely maintain 40% HP at level 9 with your mythic item. These changes are brutal.

EDIT: Just read Hunter's Talisman is possibly bugged and providing 0 healing/omnivamp. Can't confirm if this is true or not but no wonder these camps are kicking my ass even after completing my Mythic item.

EDIT: Rioter confirms Hunter's Talisman is bugged: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jfzaxj/pbe_jungle_camps_right_now_are_like_fighting_raid/g9nh09n/

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Yep the omnivamp was bugged so no surprise youre getting absolutely clapped. It should be fixed on this deploy! Or next idk

Sorry about that :(

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by BlackTecno

Is there going to be something to replace Runic's for mana users? It feels kind of bad to need to go seraphs because you want to use one of the non-mana mythics

I suspect mage types who would use a mana mythic if they were in mid would use one in the jungle too