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I'd like to preface this by saying that this is my opinion so feel free to disagree, but i have honestly hated yone as a character ever since the new items have come out. right now he feels like a champ who heavily punishes the enemy laner without any options to deal with him.

he runs you down, dashes on to you, and once things go sour for him he just recasts his e and gets away with no punishment. people say that poke mages counter him but they dont even exist in the midlane anymore leaving him only with good matchups were he can then snowball the game.

before the new items yone was certainly not a blast to play against but he was beatable. now he seems like an all round obnoxious and unhealthy pick that does not allow any fun counter play.

what do you think about it? i want to know what other players think about yone and if he has an unfun playstyle or its just me.

edit : i did not go over his crazy self healing because others have already talked about this

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almost 4 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Colton147147

Yone is a very mechanically intensive champion and has a high skill cap.

They hated him because he spoke the truth