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almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Simba

That's not really how animations/VFX work. Many animations don't have VFX tied to them, and many VFX can be reused across animations. They don't have to "make VFX" for every animation like that.

I'm not saying he's not more difficult than average but it's not like it's 10x the work because of his animation load or something.

edit: Seems I was oversimplifying it, see Sirhaian's reply. tl;dr he does have tons of VFX since each ability combo (e.g. Infernum + Calibrum vs. Infernum + Crescendum) uses custom VFX, so at least from a VFX standpoint he's certainly far more involved than seemingly any other champ.

Just here to pass a message from the VFX Artist who worked on this Aphelios skin (Riot StarWeaver):

"Aphelios is actually one of the most complicated champions to work on VFX-wise. In comparison to work level, he comes close to the scale of Elementalist Lux (he essentially has the workload of 5 different champion kits). So while, yes, the breakdown of what he needs seems accurate, each part of that need is broken down into smaller pieces (Cast effect for when he shoots each gun, the missile, the hit impact).

Now comes the complicated part: Each part of his kit can be used in tandem with every other part. The second gun he's holding has specific keys that interact with whatever gun he is using. Therefore it's about 5x5 for each gun, not including the ult. And again, each portion of these keys are broken down into smaller pieces (So think 25 x 5 keys). That brings his count almost to 215. And AGAIN. Not including his ult."

I can confirm that Aphelios requires a ton of work. Not just animations, but especially for his VFXs. He is basically 5 characters in one.

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Simba

Appreciate the breakdown. I don't really know how the backend on y'all's stuff works so in taking a mental stab at it I would've assumed Aphelios was about 2-3x the VFX work of a normal champ, but sounds like it's even more than that.

I kinda would have assumed the VFX would "blend" together so to speak; if he's using guns X + Y, the different VFX profiles for those two guns would be used in tandem, hopefully with some system in place to tie VFX to be tracking bones or what have you, such that the workload would be heavier than normal but would still kinda just click into place so to speak. But that's all very idealistic and likely misses the complexities required to make the VFX truly look good and fit in with each animation for each champ.

Out of curiosity, does any of that difficult come with shortcomings in the system/engine (e.g. something which leads to a lack of VFX reusability across animations), or is the VFX system robust and it's just the nature of the beast? I work in game dev but have minimal experience working directly with VFX or VFX artists so I'm curious.


No worries! I totally understand that from an outside perspective, the amount of work would look much lower than it actually is. :)

I haven't worked on Aphelios myself, but have looked at his setup, and I'd say it's a bit of a mix of many different factors. The way his spells work makes it so different keys are necessary for things to merge well together. As StarWeaver noted above, there are special VFXs just for interaction between guns, and when you have five guns that can interact with each other, it quickly multiplies the amount of VFXs that need to be made. Then you have to think about all the little bells and whistles everywhere in his kit (all the small cast and hit effects, the different missiles, the turret, etc...), and it just adds and adds and adds more keys to the workload.

I often joke on Twitter about how I really do not want to ever have to work on an Aphelios skin, and that's the reason why: he's basically five champs in one, and that's quite the amount of work.

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by patmax17

Thanks for the info!

One question: how does this complexity impact the slotting for skins? I doubt that the artists get 5x the time to work on his skins, do they just put in a lot more of work? Or do artists usually work on a number of skins, and in case of aphelios skins, they work just on him?

From Riot StarWeaver:

"We get a standard set amount of time per skin. If a champion's complexity is high, we take that into account and adjust the timebox accordingly as to keep a healthy work/life balance! In Aphelios' case, I got double the amount of time a skin would normally take. I also had another VFX artist help out towards the end."

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Simba

That makes sense. I guess I was mentally oversimplifying it as if e.g. Calibrum + Gravitum was just those two VFX triggered together rather than something custom, but as an Aphelios player it now feels obvious looking back that each of those VFX is unique. Five guns each that can be paired with the four others, + the five autos and the crit version of each, + the five ults... basically 6-8x as many ability VFX as normal. Pretty wild.

Appreciate the explanation and all the work you guys do, those VFX are so transient in-game but they're so important to making the champs feel good, especially auto-based projectiles on marksmen like Aphelios. He's so smooth and satisfying to play largely due to that work.

Give my love to StarWeaver cause this is the first skin in a while I'm expecting to buy the full skin + chroma pack for. Looking really great and can't wait to try it out in-game!!

He's reading the thread, he just doesn't have an reddit account. :)

Always appreciate shedding light on some more obscure VFX stuff in League! VFX is one of those disciplines that, if done right, nobody really should notice the work that goes into it. So I figure everyone who worked on Aphelios did a great job! :D

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by Mr_Simba

Absolutely. My friends all tease me because of how much I gush over Aphelios; he's the first champ that's really resonated with me like that since maybe Jhin, if not even since I started playing in 2013 (maining Jinx). Love his thematic and story and it translates super well in-game.

Did you work on any of these skins btw? I also play Swain and that skin looks so amazing.

Nope, haven't worked on anything this patch!

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRealEtherion

Did you work on any of these skins? Because as always, it'll be a bit better than the rest even in same tier.
