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Let me open this by prefacing that I am only talking about lore of this event. Not the skins, not the game mode, not the champion release, etc.

Initially, I was very excited for this year-long event when it was announced back in January. We would get a Runeterra-wide event that would push the stories of all regions of Runeterra forward at once. Now that we're in the thick of it, it just feels like an eye roll because the champion selection for this lore-advancing event is so heavily and obviously affected by who will sell skins for it.

How convenient that the saviors are Runeterra are popular assassins and marksmen; including, for some reason, a thief and gambler like Graves, a murderous feral jungle cat like Rengar, and a vengeful, hateful reincarnation like Pyke. Also convenient that the one "unpopular" sentinel champion who sticks out like a sore thumb in terms of champion popularity has its skin sales going to charity and not Riot, but that's a discussion for another day. No matter what Riot wants to write off as reasons for why these champions want to join Senna's team of sentinels, even if they are good reasons, it doesn't make sense that other champions -- champions that wanted to protect Runeterra pre-Viego -- like Soraka, Taric, Braum are nowhere to be found right now. Does it make sense that champions like Graves, Pyke, Rengar are going to step up and save the world, and champions like Soraka and Taric aren't? It makes even less sense that other Shadow Isles champions like f*cking Yorick, Maokai, Elise are nowhere to be found right now. Why is Yorick not a main character in this event? The Black Mist comes and Vayne and Graves are main characters and Yorick and Maokai are MIA. Why should skin politics affect the canon lore of Runeterra? This event just doesn't feel believable. Like, I don't believe that this is the story that the writers would have picked to push Runeterra's lore forward. This feels like what the writers threw together when given a list of champion names that would get skins.

Another thought... what happens after this event? Pyke goes back to murdering everyone that's crossed him? Graves goes back to being a thief and an outlaw? Or do these champions suddenly have completely different lore post-event because they needed to sell a skin for a big event? The first option isn't really logical (Is outlaw -> savior -> outlaw a believable story arc?) and the second option may piss off some hardcore mains as the character essentially has a new personality.

I also don't think the choices for the Ruined champions are particularly great either. Two of the mentally strongest champions in Runeterra -- Karma and Pantheon -- are able to be ruined by Viego, but mere mortals like Graves, Vayne, aren't? It's kind of a blow to Karma's and Pantheon's characters as they were so easily corrupted by Viego. Furthermore, these mortals are gonna take them on and win? That's an even bigger blow to Karma and Pantheon. Karma, who is supposed to have the mental strength of all of the Karmas that came before her, and Pantheon, the unbreakable spear fueled by will, get corrupted by an evil twink and then gets their ass beat by a mortal like Vayne or Graves? Ouch.

Honestly, I think the event is cool for all other aspects outside of lore, but this is not the way to push Runeterra's lore forward.

TL;DR: We already know that naturally benevolent champions like Soraka, Braum, and Taric or major Shadow Isles champions like Elise, Maokai, and Yorick aren't going to sell as many skins as Pyke, Rengar, Graves, Riven, Diana, etc. But if Riot wants to make a big event that affects Runeterra's canon lore, Riot needs to stick to their guns, use logic, and give attention to champions that make the most sense -- regardless of who will bring in the most profits. If Riot's not willing to do that, just have the big events affect the lore of alternate universes like Spirit Blossom.

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about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hope it's not too much of a necro but now I finished playing RK, are you able to talk more about Ruined MF

Depends what u want to know

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by mystireon

Out of curiosity, if you could redo the Ruined King event, is there anything you would chance? and if so, what?

And if not, will you take the overall fan reaction tot the lore event into account if or when another lore event happens and what would be done different then?

Of course, their are many things I would have done differently and we will 100% take player feedback for future events. We are currently working on a devblog retro of the ruination campaign that should go into a lot of details on this. We are trying to get it out before the end of the year

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Gragiator

hey reav3, i have a question

are the upcoming adc+supp coming early next year characters from arcane season 1?

No, that’s the reason we moved them out of the end of the year. I couldn’t get specific at the time since i couldn’t say what the event was when the roadmap came out, since it was dull under wraps. We felt it would be weird to release champs that aren’t related to or in Arcane in the middle of the Riot x Arcane event. That being said, with how much Arcane has resonated with so many players, Champs team is definitely excited to explore characters from Arcane, that would make sense in a MOBA, in the future.

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I guess, if you can share, how you guys chose her as the Ruined candidate of Bilgewater, was it because she’s a captain and Pyke is a captain hunter

No it’s because we wanted to continue her story arc from the game. We wanted to show how desperate she was to get Bilgewater back from GP. She saw what GP could do with the power of the black mist and she becomes desperate enough to try using the same power to get her city back. That’s why she willingly gave herself to Viego in the RotS story

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Gragiator

thanks alot! im very excited for early 2022

zaunite adc+supp, void jungler AND udyr all releasing pretty close to eachother, i hope the development goes smoothly and none of them gets delayed

Udyr is still a ways off. This is due to his multiple forms, which make his base and as a result all his old skin catalog take a lot longer to make as well as having a ultimate skin.

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by maulcore

Is there any increase in likelihood for Silco to come to league now that he has a model made for TFT?

Currently we have no plans to bring Silco to LoL. While he works in TFT, his model would not be even close to hitting out unique silhouette bar for gameplay clarity (Which is super important for LoLMoba) He also doesn't have a clear source of power that would translate into a LoL kit. We would have to change him significantly from who he was in the show to make him a good Champion in LoL. While this doesn't mean we will never attempt to solve all those problems (if they are solvable while keeping him close enough to the character everyone fell in love with from the show) , as of right now we currently aren't planning on bringing him to LoLMoba

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you possibly grab Viktor, Jayce, Caitlyn, Jinx and Vi's breadth and depth, I was curious if Arcane impacted their popularity

Its pretty wild


about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Woah that is wild, also thanks for throwing in Ekko as well, forgot about him. Is it atypical for non gameplay impacting changes to swing popularity that much

Hmm, Legendary skins will sometimes boost a Champions playrate for a bit. Also big events like Spirit Blossom which rewarded you for using the champions had a huge impact on champion playrate, but generally no, not like this.

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

Is the plan still to release it before the end of the year? As far as I know Riot is on break from this point onwards and I wasn't really expecting anything else to come out but I would be happy to be wrong.

Yes, it will be out this week

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by PeanutPotPlant

Sorry, do you mean the champion roadmap will be coming this week or the ruination retro blog?

The Ruination retro

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Settfanboi4

Hey Reav3, just wondering here. Is the udyr dev blog still coming this year? Thank you

It will be part of Season Start next year

about 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by ithrowstacksonegirls

Hey mr. Reav3. Will we get a champion roadmap before the new year or after? We are curious about the next champions :)

Not this year no. The next champion roadmap will be in video form for season start next year