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I'm sure this has been posted but I have been searching and can't find anything. So, since the last patch me and another friend and random people in games have noticed a huge rise in random frame drops and stutters in game that could be as frequent as every thirty seconds. Does anyone that was also experiencing this have a fix? The game is borderline unplayable for me atm.

Edit: OK guys i got home and updated my nvidia drivers and force quit blitz after my runes import as a couple users have suggested. Everything seems to be fine for now after one game so hopefully this will work for everyone else as well

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

We've been looking for the source of this problem and right now it appears that it's related to programs that use an overlay (not one specific program) - as others have noted it may help to close any programs you have running that use overlay while we continue to try and fix the issue. Sorry I don't have more concrete info to share, this bug is proving hard to track down.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotBrightmoon - Direct link

Originally posted by qnphard

I literally have no other program opened, not even an anti virus (on w7), everything closed on a clean install on a SSD.

FPS capped at 60 with the lowest settings.Yet, even in laning phase it sometimes stutters to 10-15 for no apparent reason idk.

Did you notice this same issue last patch (9.22) or just the most recent? (9.23) ?