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During the casting animation for her ultimate, she becomes unstoppable, preventing disables.

Mordekaiser's ultimate counts as a disable, and as a result, does absolutely nothing and GOES ON COOLDOWN.

I have a gif of this here: https://media.giphy.com/media/jTBTQVkLEngH2SrmCK/giphy.gif

So Heimerdinger mains still have a reason to be scared, but skilled Illaoi players should not be worried.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotWeeknd - Direct link

Originally posted by Aotoi

It was confirmed by a rioter in the mirde discord that qss/oranges etc can removed morde ulti at any point. EDIT: Cleanse doesn't work! My bad.

To clarify, cleanse does not remove Morde ult, only QSS does

almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotWeeknd - Direct link

Originally posted by Vegathron

thats a bit rough considering even malzahar ult once QSSd atleast deals damage. this will literally delete mordes ult on a similar c/d and give him some stats for like 0.5 of a second. not sure if i like or not

Morde gets to keep the stats for the regular ult duration even if it's been QSS'd