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To give a little context. I’ve been playing league for many seasons and would always end either in plat or diamond by the end of each season. I didn’t improve much but I never got worse either.

This season I wanted to climb for real and I started to watch successful challenger players on twitch and YouTube and notice how they played, learned their macro and noticed how they view the game to gain a different perspective.

Fast forward, I’m now sitting in master and I’m close to reach Grand master, I probably won’t hit challenger by the end of this season.

The reason why I’m giving this context is to briefly say, because I improved my skills on all parameters, macro, micro, build knowledge and lowered my roster to only 3 champions instead of playing many. I climbed much easier… however, the biggest “challenge” in climbing for me, was actually (might sound like an excuse) my teammates.

And no, I’m not referring to bad players on my team, I’m not saying my team was holding me down, I’m purely referring to “selfish players on my team”

The “teammates” who don’t play to win, those who give up because he got killed one time, those who throw a tantrum and afk, ints, run down mid lane because the jungler took one of this cs. Etc

Basically the players on your own team who just give up because they are an emotional mess. Whenever I have these games, the chances of me winning goes tremendously down in that specific scenario. I have to go ultra instinct mode and perform extremely well because I have to fight for two players at once.

TLDR: griefers on my own team is the biggest obstacle I’ve encountered, I don’t mean bad players who perform bad but those who intentionally give up and just want to lose.

What’s your biggest challenge when trying to climb?

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about 1 year ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Winning more than I lose

about 1 year ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by waynpark

hello barackprobama, i desperately need your help. I have basically completed all the challenges (Im currently #2 in the world for most challenge points), but there are a few that are bugged that I cannot progress. One of them is the Best Friend Forever challenge. For most people, this challenge is stuck and will not progress when they play with a new team of 5. Recently, people noticed they are able to progress the challenge again with a team so I started a new team to grind BFF, and it is progressing for everyone on the team except for me. Could your team please look into fixing it? The dream team challenge is also bugged too, probably same mechanism. i also think ill be able to provide valuable insight to help the team fix this stubborn bug

Appreciate you reaching out. This is something we can look into after winter break! No one is working right now though. Sorry that some of these are bugged.

Enjoy the holidays and thanks for playing!

about 1 year ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by waynpark

Thanks BarackpProbama,

I've delivered your update to the challenge community. They are rly excited you are looking into the BFF and Dream Team finally!

Happy holidays!

Howdy, we're looking into it now: May I have your region and Riot ID? Feel free to DM if that is easier :)

about 1 year ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by waynpark

I DM'd you! (its a wall of text lol, but i wanted to provide as much information as I can to help you fix it)

We have identified the bug and are working on a fix.

From my QA lead:

"The way it works is the new members to the group don't get progress but the previous members do. So lets say the team is ABCDE and they get progress, if they then play with ABCDF twice then ABCD gets progress still but F does not for some reason."