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He's breaking every criteria in Riot's balancing framework (https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-balance-framework-update/) and somehow still dodging proper nerfs. In the latest patch(11.7) riot took out 10% bonus movement speed from E and called it a day. It's almost as if they forgot Turbo Chemtank exists, making that nerf completely irrelevant.

In plat+ he's sitting at 62% ban rate and still 52%+ win rate with a 196k game sample size.


External link →
almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

We're currently testing Hecarim changes for this patch. Ideally we find a way to just push power away from tank build into fighter builds.

It's possible that we need to adjust Chemtank instead. The problem is that Chemtank is a pretty reasonable option on a lot of champions and a extremely powerful one on a handful that are heavily driving the meta (Udyr, Hecarim), so nerfs would have pretty major costs.