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The main issue for Aphelios is, and always will be, his readability. Every other champion with a "Form" has clear distinct differences between their forms and is telegraphed when they transform (Noise + Animation switch for Jayce, Gnar Rage bar, etc), so why can't I tell what gun Ranged Udyr has as his secondary? I have introduced a revolutionary new concept to art design, I call it "A slightly smaller grey circle"

. All of the individual images for the Main + Secondary combinations can be found at this image gallery: https://imgur.com/a/g7nN62w.

I understand that it's not as simple as "Just add more pictures lol" and that some background work is necessary, but surely after being out for just under 2 months and still having the same complaints from iron to pro play it's time for something like this to be done. Riot Pls

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

We are currently working on adding both the main gun and off-hand gun to Aphelios's UI, we are targeting this change for 10.4 as well as making his ult VFX more readable in-game