well true but in case of some champs like orianna you can no longer have multiple choices of building
well true but in case of some champs like orianna you can no longer have multiple choices of building
Do you have any evidence of this (orianna specifically) or is it just your personal experience? In pro and high Elo games we see a mix of ludens vs liandries and also a variety of second, third items. I also think some items on her are sleeper like cosmic drive and horizon focus.
its mostly that i have been watching orianna builds in the last season and they were by far the most diverse out of all mages, being able to build Archangels, ludens and glp depending on the situation and then be able to go for liandrys/morello cap and defensive item of her choice
right now, orianna can build 2 mythics but that seems to be her only choice as far as i know because cosmic drive seems to be niche and taking a vital item slot which could be used for a zhonyas/rabadons/void
the biggest problem for me is that she got nothing new except the cosmic drive and now she has only 2 core items choices while she used to build 3 different first items
I would be very skeptical of saying orianna builds are solved when it took 2 years for players to figure out that you could build a first item other than ludens echo on her.
Like I said earlier, there are some Burst oriented builds that include items such as Horizon Focus (that some players like chovy are starting to dabble with), so I would disagree that she only got one new item. I do think there's room for improvement in the balance state, but I don't agree that it's as bad as you make it out to be.
Horizon Focus is a terrible item though. If there was one of those Kayle_Bot 'losing to the shop keeper videos' for pre season, I'd say that item should be the first one in it.
Do the math vs Void Staff, Void will increase your damage by 10% against targets with 30 MR and obviously more than that as MR scales higher, on every ability with no conditions.
10% at 30 magic resistance
25% at 100 magic resistance
36% at 200 magic resistance
There are several champions that are strong with Horizon Focus. For example:
Ahri, Annie: Situational if you are snowballing and going for burst build.
Lux, Neeko, Lissandra, Syndra, Ori: Mages that can trigger either the Immobilize condition or the range condition easily.
Velkoz, Xerath, Ziggs, Zoe: Poke champs that can trigger the ranged condition easily.
Seraphine: I think it's good on her due to E and R, but it might not be better than Mythic -> Rylais/Cosmic Drive -> Rylais/Cosmic Drive since she is very good with Ability Haste and the Rylais for E synergy.
Taliyah: I think this item is pretty underrated on Taliyah. It is quite easy for her to trigger the max range condition.
TF: If you are snowballing and don't want to go Zhonyas or RFC 3rd after Lich Bane, Horizon could be a good option.
That's not what I'm saying though, for what reason would you go Horizon Focus over Void Staff? Void is:
1) Cheaper
2) Provides at least 10% damage 'amplification' against targets with at least 30 MR but scales much much betterYou trade around 10 AP in terms of gold efficiency for a much better passive.
I suppose the argument exists for 'why not both?' but I don't think that's very good when you can build into Dcap after Void if you want pure damage, or an item that provides actual utility.
There's a few reasons.
It has lower amount of power budget in AP relative to the gold spent (which also affects its multiplicative value with deathcap). This also makes it better on champions who have higher AP ratios compared to base damages.
The 2 item spike is weaker than the alternative (consider Void + Amp Tome vs Horizon Focus on Syndra/Lissandra for example).
Against a team of squishy champions that you can burst out and aren't buying MR, the Horizon Focus -> Deathcap angle is going to be better than the Void -> Deathcap angle, just due to the multiplicative effect on the AP from Horizon.
I'm not going to say that Void 2nd isn't a good choice sometimes (because it is a reasonable choice in many games, esp when they have a lot of melees who are building things like Merc Treads or early MR).
Having said all this, I would prefer if Void had higher %Pen compared to the AP to make the choice even more clear.