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If you're about to play stunbot Twisted Fate tank support with Talisman, Righteous Glory, and Protobelt, let your team know the special kind of hell you're aiming to create for your enemies, and how they should adjust their expectations and approach to the game. If, instead of that, you wholly fail to communicate, or completely disrupt game after game, it makes sense that you’d rack up a ton of reports, net manual reviews and even potential penalties from Player Support.

Tank TF support is actually one of most OP supports in the game. There should be 0 complaining or talk about it being played, even during the rare bad game. If they threaten to report you for a bad game, you should be able to report them back.

With the plethora of versatile tanky cdr items consistently introduced to the game, and the powerful tanky support items further introduced, tank TF support has never been better in fact.

1) Easy to land, low cooldown decent duration stuns even early in the game.

2) No mana problems due to mana restore blue card, hence consistently able to do work unlike opposing supports who will run out of mana.

3) The potential for quick and easy global roams to help your laners get ahead after 6. Every game, there will be constant opportunities since this is soloQ.

4) Late game god-like peel especially against stealth assassins. By then you should have 45% cdr, hence be constantly CC'ing threats.

5) The new support items also offer a lot by themselves allowing you to heal and take hits for your carries.

He is especially strong against the current strong adcs in the meta in fact. Shutting down Twitch, Vayne. They are weak in lane also, hence easy to bully and easy to all-in with his stuns.


Flash & Exhaust always. Exhaust scales while still being strong in lane.

Build Path:

Sightstone -> Frost Queen's Claim -> Ruby Sightstone -> Conditionally Tanky (Usually the new support items are best)

Rush sightstone since TF is immobile and smart junglers will want to abuse that.

Frost Queen's Claim is still the most broken support item in the game. It can be strong in lane by helping to secure double kills when your jungler ganks, but it is even stronger outside the lane with vision control and picking enemies off.


Depends on damage composition of enemy bot lane, and level of threat.

If the damage is heavily ad, take a load of armor orientated runes for example (e.g. ADC + melee support).

If against the few particuarly damage loaded supports, mainly Zyra, take MR orientated runes.

If against easier matchups, consider taking scaling cdr runes as well.


Intelligence for the cdr boost. TLD will allow you to do decent damage in trades and all ins early. The other points should be in the defensive tree.

General thoughts:

The only reason I'd be slightly worried about a TF support, is the guy being unable to play TF in the first place.

You need a decent number of games on TF to start consistently securing the card you need, and also learning to position well, since he is easy to punish by skilled players.

External link →
about 8 years ago - /u/Westbroke - Direct link


I mean, be safe kids.