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Hai I'm Kampsycho and I want to share with you about 100+ Skin ideas for mostly Champions in need of Skins, and when I mean Skins I mean Skins that come out with Chromas, Borders, Icons like the Recent ones, Since there's Champs out there without any of this.
Just tired of seeing these Cash Cow Skins every 2 Weeks on PBE, Though it's not as bad as it was before since champs like Nocturne and the like have gotten skins lately.
But Still a lot of times people say things like :
"Oh why don't you design a skin, Oh these unpopular Champs are very hard to make skins for themWhy would Riot make skins for XYZ if they won't sell?, These skins help make skins for unpopular champions"

I'm just here to share a few Skinlines and ideas I've had for a while to show that, maybe it is hard, But you can't tell me you litterally can't make an Ornn Skin since his release date on August 23, 2017.
He's also the Only Champ with 1 Skin, that isn't a new champ like Qiyana.
And if you like to see The Chart I always reference from that shows which Champions haven't gotten skins and their Release date. Here it is: Raid Boss' Skin Chart
Hope you Enjoy Reading Walls of text :] and I hope Pictures help , I suggest Skipping to the Bold letters if you don't.

Raid Boss Skin Chart

Riot / Police Skins

Riot/Police Skins

Suprised we haven't seen this skinline in a while since it's Riot's own skinline, though it's mostly just a police force skins, This year will be Riot's 10 year Anniversary so maybe we'll see a brand new batch of them :]

In this Skinline Ornn and Ivern Patrol the area in their Van along with their new Recruit Daisy trying to keep the streets of Valoran Ornny and Green.

Officer Ornn
Passive - Writes a Ticket / Makes a Report as if Forging Weapons
Q - Police/Traffic Cone
W - Takes out a Can of Pepper Spray or w.e.
E - Uses Riot Shield to Bash and Knock up but a Simple Headbutt with Red and Blues of the Police Siren fits aswell
R - Blows a Whistle / Calls for backup on his Police Walkie Talkies (Radios) to Summon his Van as the Avatar to run down Degenerates off his Toplane Block.

Officer Ivern
Passive - Writes a Ticket for the Camps, before coming back to Collect it
Q - Throws a Lasso/Police Net at them
W - Pops a Bush with Traffic Signs popping out or the Warning Security Tapes.
E - Red and Blue Siren theme Shield :]
R - Whistles/ Calls for "Requesting backup" and Daisy comes out the Cut ready to throw hands.Recall: Ivern Noms up a Donut and Enters his Police Box, But Daisy tries to squeez in but she's too dummy thicc.

Officer Kled
Quirky duo of Kled and Skaarl Patrolling the an area as Security, Always Yelling to get Punks like Ekko of his District.

Passive - Dismount is the same, but when Skaarl comes back he Whistles/Calls her back in during the remount animation.
Q - Throws Lasso to catch Tresspassers in his lane.
W - Uses Baton, Would be dope of the Stab animation is altered slightly like Leesin's Knockout skin.
E - Same Dash just a diff color theme to fit the Cop/Riot colors.
R - Global Police Sirens as Kled & Skaarl Charge at people, Could use Ornn's Van for this animation aswell.

Others that could fit this skinline
Quin & Valor
Braum & LeonaLamb & Wolf (Good Cop, Bad Cop Combo)
Skarner (Passive can litterally by Police Box Boots or Icons, Ult he could yell "FREEZE, DON'T RESIST ARREST" etc. and Skarner's model can just be a Robo Cop car :D)
Azir ( Soldiers are his Units, R his Wall of Defense, I mean just imagine it, Secret Agent Azir? Azir Fury with his Agent of Shurima,Commando Azir.)

Super Hero , Super Villain & Anti-Hero Skins

Super Gnar

This skinline is based somewhat on lore, in a universe where Champions are Heroes/Villains/Etc, Like The Super Teemo skin, Minus the Super Kennen one that's from a Toy skinline, but Could work out aswell.
The VFX and SFX are based on Old Comic and their onomatopoeia, of Boo, Pow, Bap, etc.
It's Very Cartoony and everybody has Capes, Face masks and Costumes and the like.
(Since the First Idea was Poppy and the Rival is Kled, I just kept it as Demacia vs Noxus and it fit pretty well.)
Won't go into too much details over these, since I thought of them through lore and not much about their Spells.


Super Hero Poppy
Poppy has alway sbeen looking for The Hero of Orlon's Hammer, and if you read her story it's Obvious that she's the Hero but she just doesn't know it yet, and this Skin is to show her Accepting her destiny and being a wholesome humble Hero.

Super Hero Kayle
Kayle is the Aspect of Justice along with Morgana, She's just a jerk now and less forgiving, but a Hero skin would fit her since she's seen as one in the eyes of Demacia, while Morgnana is Forgotten about but still helps in the Background.

Super Hero Galio
He just fits the Theme, with his ult being Hero's Entrance and All, and his purpose is to be a Hero against Magic and all for the Demecian People.

Anti-Hero/ Vigilante

Anti-Hero Sylas
Sylas pretty much is just an avenger gone wrong down the path of revenge, still trying to do good and find equality and all that for Mages in Demacia.(since Demacia Treats Mages like Lucian in the 1800s), But He still means Good.

Anti-Hero / Vigilante Morgana
Already gave my thoughts about Morgana in Kayle's but Pretty much she has been helping and sheltering exiled mages that escaped Capture, I hope she'll show up in The Ongoing Lux Comic, Since she also would want Equality and justice and doesn't want to be in the spotlight and seen as a Hero, so I think she can fit as An Anti-Hero since, Demacia Hates Magic, but She's a Mage Hero of theirs that they have forgotten.

Anit-Hero Veigar
Now here me out, I know it would have been more OBV if Veigar was on the Villain side that will be discussed next, But keep in mind that in Lore, even though Veigar is or is trying to be pure Evil, All he's really doing is going around Taking out anybody who thinks they are more Evil than him, which in return saves a Town or Village from a Tyrant and in Return he just acts evil before leaving when he hears about somebody else thinking they're as evil as him.( And Yes Veigar is mostly Noxian, since Morde Tortured him for his Magic in the Immortal Bastion which is in Noxus, though Morde was gone, and Veigar left, he's mostly a Yordle from the Noxian Empire, Old lore was similar aswell)


Super Villain KledNot much to add here, Most of these Selections were made by looking which champs would actually run into eachother, since Kled and Poppy are the ones I imagine as legendary or could just have unique voice lines towards each other.Kled Himself, somewhat just like Poppy, has been around since the first Campaign of Noxus, while Poppy was there when Demacia's started, Suprised Kled hasn't encountered or mentions Poppy at all tbh.

Super Villain / Anti-Hero Swain
Though Jericho Swain is Most likely an Anit-Hero Compared to Leblanc or Mordekaiser himself, I think he would fit this skinline very well, wether he is an Anti-Hero or not since he's Basically a Walking Ravenman (Batman) But more on the Manbat side (Actual super villain/Anit-hero) Anyway. Jericho Swain? More like Jericho Wayne.
Most Noxians actually have Capes, so most fit in well.

Super Villain Talon
If Swain is Basically like Batman, then Talon is Boy Wonder in this case, jokes aside, He has a Cape and a Hoodie and he hasn't gotten a skin in a while either and can just mesh in pretty well.(that and if he gets a red theme, he's basically Red Hood)

Super Anti-Hero KaynBasically just like how Odyssey Kayn eventually either Becomes a Darkstar or a Cosmic, This Kayn is the same, but starts off as a Anti-Hero, and Ofcourse Rhaast (Red form) Becomes the Villain and Blue (kayn) will be the Hero. Suprised Kayn doesn't have more Skins like these or I hope he gets more skins like these.(Yes I know Kayn is in Ionia, But he's a Noxian War Orphan sent to die and saved and trained under Zed and Rhaast was held in Noxus, So No his Origins are in Noxus, So I kept the Demacia vs Noxus theme anyway)

If Riot get's the License to make these skins, Atleast they're making comics together

Other Super Villains/Heroes/Vigilantes
Super Hero Quinn & Valor (Hawk eye, Hawkwoman, Falcon Etc)
Vigilante Vayne & Lucian ( Basically Batman and Batwoman fighting Monsters that took all they had)
Hero & Villain Garen and Darius (Obv)
Super Villain LB
Super Gnar (Hulk that you? Superman that you?)
Anti-Hero Viktor (Iron man/ Dr Doom, that you?)
Super Hero Jayce (though he's a Jerk)
Anit-Hero Kassadin
Anti-Hero Kindred (Nobody likes them Death, but she comes for all of us, that and Kindred needs a skin)

Battle Academia Dojo

Remember Battle Academia? With all the Weebs skins and all that, Well it's lore says it's a School for those with Weapons, Which made me think, What about one for Martial Arts...? Well here is what I thought about :]

Battle Academia Martial Arts version


UdyrMaster of All 4 Forms of Throwing hands, Jokes aside, could be a Cool skin where he's hand to hand and legs I guess and each Form he has different attacking Animations like his Ultimate skin, but this one could be legendary, or the movements are subtle, He already has different animations in general but could make them more Martial arts like for this skinGrand Master of Arms JaxMaster of All Martial Arts Weapons, Fits his lore and he can be the Teacher in this case, like how Graves was.

Master Yi
Master of Swordsmanship/Kendo, Nuff said.GrandMaster Duelists FioraShe's basically the Jayce of this skinline, Since she's the Grand Duelists in lore anyway, but this is a Dojo type of School or a Temple so she has the title of master.

Boom Boom Vi, but you get the Point

Martial Arts Students:

XinZhao (Spear Style)
Vi (Boxing Style)
Leesin (Taekwando Style or any other Kick based Martial Arts)
Camille (Same here,But Kendo Swords on Legs, Camille can also be a Teacher, but I want to see Young Camille)
Shen, Yasuo, Aatrox, Riven, Trynd (kendo, Would be a Chance for us to see Humanoid aatrox aswell)
Sylas ( I'm sure there's a chain based Martial arts out there, or I've seen too much anime, just give him nunchucks)
Wukong (Staff Style & Monkey Stance/style, and Human Wukong could be Cool to see if it's kept human only)
Trundle & Morde with their Clubs ( I just want to see some Non Humans turned into Humans for this)

Main Cast
gotta be honst I'm not sure who would be the MC other than people like Yas, Vi or Leesin since This skin Line probly can only fit 6 and maybe 7 Skins. With 2 Teachers, 4-5 Students and a Rival and Love interest?

if this actually Happened I guess We'll see Udyr/Jax/Yi For sure Since It's Hand to hand, Master of Arms and Swordmaster.Students should Mimic them a bit, So Yas as the MC, Fiora as Rival/Idol under Master Yi, Leesin and Vi under Udyr, and Xin/Cam for Jax.

(ofcourse Yas and some others doesn't lack skins, but Battle Boss Yas begs the differ so)

Rageborn rework, Toy & Other Random Skins


Rageborn Mundo

Just look up Rageborn Mundo, and Tell me why in the Stars did Riot not make more skins like these...?They could easily remake this skinline to fit somewhat Close to Bloodmoons but looking more like Oni's or Angry Demons, with some Fiery SFX & VFX and the Like and Epic Weaponry since this skinline can be for most Toplaners.

Bloodmoon Trundle, But can be Mixed with Rageborn to revamp the Skinline

Rageborn skins:

Trundle ( Seen too many Good Oni/Demon Trundle Skin concepts to not add him)
Tryndamere (His ult Fits it and just like Olaf's would along with being Northern men known to go berserk)
Olaf ( He's a Berserker and his Ult fits it very well, though Forsaken Olaf is kind of that)
Renekton ( Could make him look more Red as he gains Fury or just make his rage known once he ults)
Gnar (Get's Angrier as he Goes mega Gnar)
Sion (even in Death's he's Screaming his lungs out)
Kled (I mean he's already Raging half the time wether Skaarl left or Not)
Singed (if he's a mad scientist and made a rage potion along with WW could work out, esp if they remake this skinline)
WW ( his W, is just pure rage and painful imo, if you read his lore you would know atleast, that Device on his Back stabs him and Pumps adrenaline in his Blood, in this case it can be something making him rage out)
Udyr (Different Demons for each Stance, " Our Rage is beyond your control" is just stuck in my head)

Demon Udyr, But could fit for a Halloween Set aswell

these skins were honestly Cool and Cute at the same time, I think if they took them a direction where they are similar to those Transformers toys that can be switched around, it would easily make for some cool Skins for more champs.

Toy Soldier Azir

Toy Skins:

Train Toy Skarner (Skarner The Dank Engine)
Rubber Ducky Reksai / Toy Bug Reksai
Teddy Bear Volibear ( uwu)
Toy Horsey Hecarim (Know those Rocking chair looking Horse toys? He runs by doing that movement lmfao...)
Toy Soldier Kled ( Skaarl has Sea-saw legs / Rocking Chair ones aswell)
Toy Soldier Pantheon
Water Balloon Nautilus (He's made out of Balloons that Clowns make and Go Pop once he dies)
Doll (ken) Taric (Because we all know he ain't getting Star Guardian at this point ajshdgf)
RagDoll Kalista ( Zyra could fit, but got mindblocked by Play-dough Zyra in my head so idk anymore)

Random Skins
These will just be random skins, I thought would be made by now or just I've seen or thought about.

Arcade bard

Candy Bard
Arcade Bard (8-bit SFX)
Spooky/Pumpkin Head Bard ( Spooky SFX)
DJ Bard ( Cmon there's only a handful of Music based or Bard Champs in the game)
ZacHoney Zac (Comes along with Bee skins)
Bee Keeper Yorick
Olympian Kalista (Why don't we have Olympic skins tbh, or more Sport ones)
Zombie Dragon Shyvanna
Storm Dragon Shyvanna
Eastern/Lunar Revel Shyvanna (Eventually)
Gardener Zyra
Bad Omen Annie (or w.e. that Creepy Skinline with Kayle/Singed/Noct is called, Give her and Tibbers a mask <3)
Coven Zyra
Police Zyra
Cosmic Kindred
Junkyard Maokai
Project Yorick ( Friend made a concept, where Maiden is Program, the Ghouls Praetorian and Yorick is Project Junky)
Battle Boss Azir, Velkoz, Karthus, Swain, Illaoi.
Krampus/Grinch Yorick, Kled and Trundle (Maiden as Mrs Klaus Ghouls Evles or deers, Kled Rides Skaarl as a Deer)
Darkstar Guardian Urgot
Bright star & Darkstar Guardian Kayle and Morgana
(Would have been better than Zoe's imo, Good skin but these 2 would have fit better, and would be Cool if they are the first star but since they're twins there's no Plural)
Pool party Illaoi
Tennis Ball Machine / Candy Machine Urgot (don't think about it too much)
Gate Keeper Udyr, Nasus, Yorick, Singed ( Not all Fit, but they're all Split pushers and I find it Funny because *Trick2G Voice* "OPEN THE GATES" , that and Gate Keeper is a Cool Skinline that should be brought back for more champs.
Tongue Game Tahm kench ( I'm done meming)

Tell me what you think of all of these, or just the Major 3 ideas, being Police, Heroes vs Villains and Martial Arts Academia.
It's just annoying knowing there's all these skinlines, but we see the same ones every every 2 Years.

Suggest ideas aswell,or feedback or anything this is just for fun and to discuss skins in hopes Dunkmaster Ivern never happens again.... because that should have been Dunkmaster J4 and Hextech Ivern, not the otherway around when both skins came out in the same patch. Smh

*Still waiting for Dunkmaster Illaoi*

Olaf Falling Through Skin Universes

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over 5 years ago - /u/RiotLoveStrut - Direct link

There are sooo many incredible ideas here, and the amount of work of you put into this, u/Kampsycho, is really admirable.

While I can't speak to what exactly we're creating in the future, I will say that putting out skins for our champs that haven't gotten skins in a while is part of our plans. /u/Bellissimoh gives some extra context on this topic here.

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotLoveStrut - Direct link

Originally posted by Kampsycho

It is 100+ :D and Ty , Can't wait to see some New skinlines or just skins for Champs that are long due for one, Hope there's a Harrowing event this Year aswell, last one was probly when Kalista was released, But most of them aren't as popular atm either so makes sense. Thank you aswell hope you share this with your colleagues, Maybe some of the Concept Artists get inspired and expands some of them in some way.

Only problem I see is that at times Champs such as Ornn, which had a Meta, still used in Pro play and has been out for 2 Years clearly the pro play tank of the year. But No skin in sight. but on the same side we Have Kalista and Taliyah who had times where they shined in Pro play and even got skins through them, but outside of that they haven't really.

Wow, that's amazing. We appreciate the kind words. I'll pass this on to the team. :]

Can't speak to what exactly is planned for the future, noted on the Harrowing.

I totally understand what you mean when you compare Ornn directly with champs like Taliyah and Kalista. SSG Taliyah and SKT Kalista were uniquely chosen because they were picked by Crown and Bang after winning Worlds and seemed like good selections to us. Championship Kalista was also chosen because of her heavy play during Worlds, but things like her play rate and uniqueness in the current Championship catalog factored in. So even though a champ may be in pro play or in meta, that's just one area that is considered when we're selecting which champs to make skins for. I can't give specifics, but I will say that Ornn is on our radar as needing a new skin.