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Taken from this Tweet: (https://twitter.com/riotvedius/status/1166375385845645314?s=21)

Which inspired this thread.

Just browse through most of the comments to see how Vedius became a laughing stock for this statement, only to be proven right two months later. And while SKT did show great performances throughout their victories, they also played sloppy in some of them.

Kind of funny to see most analysts who backed G2 before the tournament got meme'd to death after their group stage performances.

And now, they were proven right after G2 took down the LCK by themselves --> finishing 2nd in group meant they sent GRF to their demise at the 2nd brackets. 200 IQ.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by SKT_Peanut_Fan

He was in a really win-win situation here if you think about it:

  1. He made a super obvious claim- *SKT has holes that can be exploited by good teams.* Guess what, Vedius? Every single team has holes that can be exploited by the right team. Would FPX or iG have exploited holes the same way that G2 did with SKT? I don't know. It was clear that SPY couldn't. But anyway, he made a claim that, as you said, could only be proven wrong *if SKT win worlds*. So, while SKT were definitely favorites, only one team can actually win Worlds and there are a lot of strong teams that could have potentially knocked out SKT.
  2. He doesn't actually tell us what the holes on SKT are. He can't be wrong about how teams will exploit SKT if he never actually says what the holes are. *taps head*

If SKT lost, which they did, he was going to look really smart to the average person because a team that loses generally has their issues and mistakes preyed upon by a better team. But again, he never put his neck out there to say *which* issues they were to prove that he could actually analyze SKT and how they matched up at Worlds.

Also, friendly reminder that he predicted SKT would finish third in groups.

Hi there, wanted to challenge a couple things you mentioned.

  1. It was a hilariously vague tweet that many people interpreted in a variety of different ways. The tweet was also made well before worlds. The original context behind it was i had a number of fans telling me SKT was the best team in the world, and I wasn't bought in. I never expected the tweet to balloon the way it did.
  2. I made a 50 minute video talking about teams in the LCK. You can check it out here, where I provide examples and my whole thought process that gives context behind everything I believed.

SKT didn't even lose in the way that I expected, they had a cleaner early game than G2 and lost to teamfights, which was the exact opposite of what I expected. So this is what i could be called out on tbh.

I made it very clear that my pick ems were based on bias, not actual analysis. My power rankings before the tournament had SKT at 3, behind G2 (1) and FPX (2). I also expected Faker to be the best performing player at the tournament. There's a lot more evidence of me actually supporting SKT as opposed to tearing them down.

I believe strongly in giving context for my opinions, and if i do not do it on air, i will do it on my own youtube channel. I hope this clears some things up.