Oof that's not great. We'll investigate why this happened and fix it ASAP.
Edit: Found it. I didn't cause it! (sorta). We expect to micropatch it today.
Oof that's not great. We'll investigate why this happened and fix it ASAP.
Edit: Found it. I didn't cause it! (sorta). We expect to micropatch it today.
Why did u make tank jgl, who can easily spam gank as well, as consistent in farming as a farming jgl. Aren't jgl matchups mainly balanced around farming and ganking? How does it make sense to give a champion that can spam gank also the possibility to farm when he can't gank. As a jgl, if u pick a certain champion "i wanna spam gank this game" goes through his mind, but for the cost of "this might not work, but i will risk it". Your changes just removed the difference of the champions played in the jgl and there won't be a "i sacrifice my early for mid-late" anymore cuz u cant outscale a rammus that can alternatively farm when a lilia or karthus cant "spam gank", or it will at least be very hard so they will mainly farm their camps, or am i wrong? You can correct me here if so
In general, I'd rather all champions enjoy farming their jungle. I think it's valuable that everyone feels supported by their primary income stream.
This means making resists scale your monster damage appropriately and not disproportionately aiding AD champions in that regard. Some champions are going to be faster than others, sure, but Malphite top doesn't get less XP/min than Tryndamere just because he kills the minions slower. I'd like to bridge that gap in jungle somewhat.
Regardless, the point isn't to make champions early or late game skewed. Maokai is actually a scaling jungler. He just also has sick early ganks. He's actually just OP.
They changed the attack range for the jungle pet. Either the bonus XP range was set to the same range as its attack range, or they just changed any range value they saw to the new attack range.
Entirely different cause.
master yi also doenst get full exp when he is in alpha strike. I WAS IN ALPHA.
It appears that's the same bug as the Shaco one and will be fixed by the micropatch.
I assume the micro patch will also fix it when it comes to untargetable people ? Same bug happens with Master Yi Q, Maokai W etc
Will the bug making Illaoi literally unplayable right now also be micropatched?
it happens if you're untargetable when the camp dies, yi's Q for example
Thanks for chiming in. That should be fixed by the changes above.