One of the best ways to improve and learn is to narrow your focus:
Several have suggested muting all other players. While this may not seem like a way for you to improve your play, it’s clear that the comments of others are affecting you and your confidence. Mute others until you feel like you’re more consistently doing well. Even at Platinum, most coordination is done via pings, so you likely won’t be missing out on that much.
Pick only 2-3 champs that are have low mechanical complexity. Some champions require many games played in order to reach their potential. (Vayne, Lee Sin, Yasuo) Try and pick and stick to some champs that are simple. (Warwick, Maokai, Garen). Less skill shots means you can narrow your focus to last hitting or jungle paths, rather than trying to learn how to actually land your abilities.
Pick one thing you want to improve on over your next 10 games. Maybe it’s higher average CS @ 10. Maybe it’s better dragon control. Pick one thing and measure yourself. The first step to getting better at anything is measuring where you are now and then holding yourself accountable to improving.
Last thing. Have fun dude. If you have a bad game, take a break, walk your dog, watch Netflix. Never revenge queue after a game and hope to make up that LP immediately after. The beautiful thing about League is every game is winnable, but it’s really hard to win if you start the game with a desperate mindset. It’s a lot easier to win if you’re having fun because you’re more likely to be in a flow state.