I've noticed a problem with League of Legends over the past several years regarding the champion design. I remember in the old days playing champions like fiddlesticks, mordekaiser, and Dr. Mundo and thinking that they were so goofy and silly. But nowadays we have champions that have exhausting lore and ungoofy demeanours. Skarner is the only exception I can think of and he's getting a rework sometime next year.
So here is my solution:
Snurgle does not have any lore. I think this makes him especially lovable and shmoopy.
Snurgle can build AP, AD, or Tank. This gives him the versatile and creative gameplay players deserve.
Snurgle's auto attacks are head-butts that make a *honk* sound. (My friend Aurora's idea)
Snurgle is just a guy.
I hope Riot can see this and take my idea into consideration.
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