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almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by SlurpTurnsMeGreen

I wonder if the phrasing of the question when translated had an influence over who they voted for in China. Their top picks are more physically attractive whereas in NA the champs are visually appealing.

I had a similar thought as well, but our localization teams are pretty good at capturing the intent of the question and not just the raw translation.

Also we found that these trends of champions hold through in other visuals or theme-related questions on the same survey:

  • Overall theme (Visuals, story, personality, VO)
  • Visuals are high quality (favors newer champions, but china still gravitated towards older champions insofar as they were attractive humans like Ezreal and Lux)
  • Unique and original champion
  • Interest in physical merchandise (good proxy for intent to purchase something I like/think would be visually interesting or appealing to show

Outside of the survey we also find that champion playrate data in china also support some of hypotheses RE preferences for human champions, preference for conventionally attractive champions, etc.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by g7parsh

when do you stream? seems like an interesting place to hang out

I stream Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays. Usually nighttime PST for Tue/Thur and morning & afternoon PST on the weekends.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by Redsfan42

didnt realize this was trackable

it's not "trackable", but it's data we generate through surveys. This particular survey is our 2018 Mass Champion survey which features data on all 140+ champions, has 30+ questions/dimensions, and is fielded in NA, Brazil, Korea, & China (soon to include EU and Vietnam for the 2019 version).

almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Not gonna lie, I'm obsessed with the way you explain the the impacts of champion data. I'm doing SEM work in my PhD program, and sometimes it's so dull reading the results and implications from other researchers in the field.

I know your way of delivering this knowledge might in no way be formal nor in an official capacity on behalf of Riot, but I live for it, and I have a ton to learn from you.

Please keep doing what you're doing. You're doing it well.

thanks bud, I'll keep it up till we nerf yasuo again then im quitting

almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by problemsolvingman

Hey Blaus why do you like Yasuo? You don't seem to profile like an Edgelord.

Yasuo just has some of the best moments in the game for me. I also love samurais, I love katanas (inb4 I studied the blade), I really like this theme, voice, story... I could go on and on about Yasuo.

Best way to describe my love is that nothing beats the feeling of E-ing and E+Q-ing through minion waves chasing people down, running from a gank, or skirting around in a 1v2 or 1v3.

There's a famous Arkadata 2v5 play (almost a 1v5) where he gets a quadra kill despite being like... 2-8? or 2-10? Anyways it's just amazing when you can play the champion perfectly and have these incredible moments to outplay our opponents. That's what I love!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by Percevalve

That's a fascinating topic to explore, but we need a clearer and more thorough discussion. What are we looking at? What's the sample size, what exactly was asked? Did people judge the splash arts, in-game models, general in-game visuals inc abilities, did it include skins...?

With that missing, those conclusions juste seem very weakly supported, which is a shame cause it's a genuinely fascinating thing to explore.

What are we looking at

Riot's 2018 Mass Champion Survey

What's the sample size

pretty massive, about 200k total respondents, though they only see a random sample of champions so I think per champion per region it's like 500 or 600.

What exactly was asked?

[Likert Question] This champion's visuals are appealing to me. Another version of this survey (data not shown) uses MaxDiff or best-worst scaling, so "pick which champion is most visually appealing and least visually appealing: Ahri, Yasuo, Irelia, Akali." (and then tons of different permutations of that).

What did people judge?

Up for interpretation. This question is left more vague (others are more specific about ability visuals for example), but I'd say most people answer this according to splash are and in-game model. We have more specific questions, but this is sort of a catch-all for visuals.

We also have a bunch of other questions that get at visuals, stuff regarding overall theme, visual quality, interest in physical merch, etc.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by 2th

Well this is super f**king neat. Yo /u/Blaustoise, did you also edit the video?

Nope! My editor is Payajowy who takes highlights from my stream and puts them into videos